The Thinker

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"Normal speech"


"Telepathically speaking"



This chapter does contain a sex scene in it. If you don't want to read it, you can just skip over that part.


For the four days following the penthouse fight, Mark was unconscious. The surgery was a success, and he was recovering exceptionally well thanks to his Viltrumite cells, but he was still out. Nolan and Debbie remained beside Mark while he was out, along with Viktor, who barely slept and never left his side.

Debbie walked into Mark's room with a cup of coffee in her hand, and to her surprise, Viktor was still sitting in the far corner of the room, his elbows resting on his knees, his hands together in a prayer-like fashion, his head hung down as an aura of sadness and regret permeated the air around him.

Sighing, Debbie approached Viktor, kneeling before him as she sat her coffee on the table beside the chair. Laying a hand on his shoulder, Viktor flinched slightly, now noticing her presence in the room. Debbie looked at the speedster sadly, feeling the depression and regret rolling off him in waves.

"Viktor, you need to rest," she told him softly.

"How can I? Knowing that because of my failure, I nearly got Mark killed," Viktor said as Debbie moved her hand to the side of his face and made him look at her. Viktor's eyes were dark and sullen, having massive dark circles under his eyes from sleep deprivation.

"That is not what happened," Debbie denied in a determined voice. "You did your best to help Mark. You saved him," she stated as Viktor's eyes finally made contact with hers. "It's because of you, defeating all those other villains, that Mark was able to get medical attention as fast as he did," she said as tears formed in his eyes.

"I killed them," Viktor whispered as Debbie gained a look of understanding.

"I know. It's okay," she spoke, consoling him.

"I'm a murderer," Viktor said, letting his head fall slightly.

"Hey, look at me," Debbie demanded firmly as Viktor raised his head to her, and she moved closer, looking him in the eye. "You are not a murderer," she stated, confident in her words. "A murderer is someone who doesn't feel anything after killing another, and you are not a murderer. You saved Mark; you saved Monster Girl and Black Samson. Because of you, they are still alive right now," Debbie explained as Viktor closed his eyes.

Debbie went to go on talking but noticed Viktor's closed eyes as she heard his light breathing. Viktor finally fell asleep, making her smile a small, soft smile as she let him lean back in his chair; taking her coffee from the table, she stood up and returned to her son's bedside.


Viktor slept 10 hours before waking up, lying on a cot still in Mark's room. The dark circles under Viktor's eyes had faded as he was now well-rested.

"Look who's finally awake," a voice proclaimed as Viktor looked over to see Eve sitting on the side of his cot, looking down at him.

"Eve," Viktor said as he sat up and looked at Mark, who looked much better.

"Doctors say he should be waking up soon," Eve told him as Viktor looked at her somberly. Viktor cupped her cheek with his right hand as she looked at him confused before he leaned in and captured her lips in a kiss. Eve melted into the kiss as she returned it eagerly before Viktor pulled back.

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