Chapter One- Meeting Him Officially

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I had finally reached my bus stop at the end of the road and the bus was just approching. It was pretty good timing if I do say so myself.

When I got on the bus I sat down in the only spot avalible near the back. I pulled out my phone and started texting Adrienne and Marina. Soon enough we had stopped to pick up another passanger. I switched over to twitter and scrolled through my feed. Same things happening in Canada as yesterday.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up shyly to see a pretty cute guy smirking at his friends one seat over, I had never seen him before.

I rolled my eyes and went back to my phone. "Excuse me? You're sitting in my seat." Said the boy. I could tell already that he was one of those pricks that thought they could get anyone just by the tone of their voice. He was wearing a hockey jacket and I knew he was a dick. He had brown hair that was on the verge of turning blonde

I didn't want to look at him so I just talked while looking at the floor. "Where's your name? Is it written on your big ego?" I asked him.

I could feel him staring daggers in the back of my head. "Okay, obviously someone had a little sprinkle of bitch in their breakfast. Just move."

I reached across my seat and grabbed my bag and stood up so he could see my face. "Alright, fine by me." I exclaimed as I passed him. He grabbed my shoulder and changed his mind. The expression on his face was............ I don't know how to explain it. It was soft, and he was biting is lip. Then his expression changed back to cold and hard and let me go.

I walked up to the front and sat down and went to pull out my phone. But it wasn't there. I don't want to go back there, I'll just get it after. My day just gets better.

Finally Adrienne got on the bus and we headed off to school to meet Marina.




When we got to school I headed my way to family studies and Marina and Adrienne went to french and gym. We all had simaliar classes and sceduals. It was quite simple.

Family studies was really boring so I went to go grab my phone so I could turn on temple run but it wasn't in my pockets. None of them.


I forgot to get it on the bus!!! Anyone could have that! My dad will kill me if I don't have my phone after work!!!

As the bell rang I hit my head off the table and grumbled as I picked up my binders and headed for Tech class.




I left tech and headed for lunch. I caught a glimpse of the boy from the bus. I just glared and continued walking.

"Hey Blythe!" Adrienne exclaimed as I walked up to our usual table.

"Hey Adri, Hey Mar!" I said brightly, smiling like the sun.

I sat down and that's when Marina brought up the party. "Hey, so is it cool with your dad if you come tonight? I could even pick you up if you would like!"

"Ya, um, about that. Tracy is making me watch the twins and I have to work tonight and she won't let me off." I explained. "And my father left early this morning to get to work so I couldn't talk to him about it."

"Damn it! Why does Tracy have to be such a stick in the mud? She can just hire someone!" Adrienne yelled.

"Ya, well with her she likes making my life hard so."

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