Chapter 3- Finally

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We sat in the hospital until 10:30 when we finally got called in. Yet did tons of x-rays and such and told me I had severely sprained my knee. They gave me crutches and plastered my leg up so I couldn't move it more. I could take the plaster off but it was recommended to leave it on.

When we got back in the car, charlie and Conner were dead asleep and I was close.

When we got home, we took them back up stairs, while Adrienne and I eased up the stairs. It's now almost mid night and my parents should be here soon. They always expect to see me awake when they get home.

Just as I backed down the stairs I heard the car door close and in came an intoxicated Tracy laughing and my dad holding her up. They took one look at my leg and freaked out.

"Blythe Rivera!! What the hell happened?!" Tracy yelled at me while giggling.

I kept playing in my mind what Ben told me to say. I didn't know which one I should so so I blurted out

"I fell down a car" bloody hell! I said both. "You know Adrienne was putting something in her car and I was trying to get something off the top and bam! I fell and crushed my leg!"

I thought my excuse was good.

"Alright well are the boys alright?! I'm going to check on them. Go to bed." Tracy said pointing upstairs.

I stumbled up the stairs with the help of Adrienne because I was new to crutches. When we got to the very top where Tracy couldn't see us, Adrienne flipped her the bird.

I laid down on my bed. "Seriously could this weekend get worse? And it's only Friday" I said hitting my head off the bed. "Great"



When I woke up the next morning, Adrienne was still there and I was sleeping on the floor. I suddenly heard a knock at my door and I quickly threw my hair in a messy bun while grabbing my crutches and heading down the stairs. As I looked out the peep hole, I couldn't see a think.

When I opened up the door, no one was there and there was a little basket with flowers and chocolates accompanied by a card. As I dragged the basket inside, I sat on the couch and opened the envelope. It read;

Dear Blythe,

As much as I really wanted to come and apologize in person again, I didn't think it was a great idea with your parents being there. So I thought this would make up for it. There are chocolates and Flowers because I really am sorry.

Again, I'm sorry ~Ben

I placed the card back down as I scowled at it. He didn't even know me. I don't know what he's trying to do but I can tell you one thing.. It's not working.



Faster than lightening it was Monday morning and I was once again sitting on the bus. I sat up a little bit further this time.

Over the weekend, I took the plaster off. It was hurting a ton so we went back and they put on something lighter that I could get around school with easier but it would also keep my leg in tact.

Right after I had gotten on, Ben had found his way to my seat and quickly sat down in the one beside it. I tried to pretend that he wasn't there. I hadn't eaten any of the chocolate he sent me. I just gave it to Marina and told her that Blake told me to give it to her. And as for the flowers? I gave them to Tracy as a "I'm sorry for getting hit by a car and lying to you" gift.

"Blythe?" Ben asked quietly. I turned my head slowly.

"Yes? What do you want?" I asked trying to be as nice as I could.

"Did you get what I sent you?'He asked hopingly.

'No I didn't. But oh look.' I said pointing to the front of the bus. 'Looks like Adrienne is here. Bye?'

After that he left and Adrienne sat next to me.

"Hm what was that about there you little flirt!" She said winking at me. God.

"It was about you. He told me to watch out because you have a bad case of Nosiness." I answered wittily.

She just glared at me. "I will find out Rivera. I will find out." She indicated as she stood up, moved to the seat behind us mysteriously then moved back. I just laughed. Sometimes, she acted like she was five for a 16 year old.

As we arrived at school, I tripped off the bus and landed no were but straight on the schools head cheerleader Lauren Taylor. She started to scream and wail around.

"Get off me you freak!!" She screamed. "I just got my nails done and now look at them!" She yelled at me.

Suddenly Ben got off the bus and got really annoyed. "Oh my god Lauren. Seriously, shut up!" He said while rolling his eyes.

She gasped. But not for the reason we all thought. "BENNY! I'm so glad your back! I missed you so much this weekend! I need you to come and help me pick out my new dress and shoes! Ugh there's so much to do for homecoming!" She said in her 'cheerleading annoying' voice. She dragged Ben away and that's when Marina came up to me.

"Be hold your first attack by none other than Godzilla her self." She whispered in my ear as the bell rang. I slipped up the front step of the school and right to my locker.

Family studies was nothing new. Except for one thing. Ben walked in to class 15 minutes late and apoligized for missing class last week and being late. Mrs.Evans told him to take a seat where ever and he chose to sit near me. Great.

After we had taken notes and put our binders away we were told to get into groups of two and discuss what we had just learn.

I had really no friends in Family studies except the odd kid in there but they all a lready had partners, so I just sat by myself doodling in my notebook until Ben asked me to be his partner. As I looked around the class room I saw that everyone already had partners except us.

"I guess?" I didn't answer but I questioned. "But won't your girlfriend get mad?" I joked.

"Don't even get me started on Lauren. I don't feel well enough as it is." He joked back. But as soon as I realized we were laughing together I stopped and started working.


Hi Hi Hi there. I don't even know if anyone really reads this or just clicks it because it updated and they just don't want the notification but if you do actually read this could you possibly comment maybe. Something that will maybe make me laugh?

oh and Im going to start to try and update every week or two weeks depending on how much time i have in a day because I have a lot of before and after school things to do.

Anyways! If anyone has any suggestions they want to give, go right ahead I'm all ears. Thanks again HANNAH

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