Chapter 1- Before

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  Except for the rolling waves of The True Sea, the sounds of cheering filled the salty sea air with a flourish. The boy and girl stayed hidden, still as mice. They listened to the sailor telling stories of their lives, families and even their prayers to Sankta Alina. But, as stupid as they can be, those bony asses didn't realise something—— the real and holy Sankta Alina was just there, listening to them say their prayers.


  Once they reached the northern border of Ravka, the boy and girl hopped off the ship sneakily. They sneaked into a cave, where the girl could hide her bellowing stomach. The boy slowly lifted the hem of her coat until her stomach. He then kissed the middle of the stomach, wishing their first bundle of joy will come as soon as possible.

(Go look in your copy( if you have one) of Ruin and Rising of the trilogy. The picture is in there, under the Fanart page)

 (A rough image of what it may have looked like)

A/N: Hi! Hoped you like the usual "Before" and "After" in the 《Shadow and Bone》trilogy books. Well, maybe just the "Before". But still! Anyways, requests are open! My ships are....
#malina #zoyalai #danya #darklina 
How bout you? Who do you ship? And this chapter's too short, sorry!
~Lena Ng Yin Yin ~黄银银


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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