017 (Full part)

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It has been two days since the wedding preparation happened, the decorations, the suit and gown, the foods, even the wedding schedule. Everything was intact.

The only thing you guys were waiting for was the wedding ceremony date, there was no backing out now. And no, don't say the famous line about you can still back out because it's not the ceremony yet.


"I don't think I can do this Twilight," you muttered sickly while leaning your head against his shoulder, "Is everything gonna be okay after this? Will this marriage be worth it?"

Twilight didn't reply a word as he only closed his eyes, thinking about the possibilities that can go wrong or right after the wedding. If everything will go on smoothly as planned, or miserably fail in process. He wasn't sure, he knows his silence was scaring you more than anything else in the word right now. But the blonde man just couldn't give you a certain answer.

He only stayed there with you in silence.

What was your first mission again? It was helping operation strix in the sidelines, to be low-key and unsuspected, to spy in the shadows. But what's going on now?

Why were you suddenly marrying Yuri?

Helpless opportunities just to finish everything immediately, so that no more people could get hurt in the process of this mission.

So that everyone would be safe.

You wanted to give up, you wanted this to end already. This wasn't right, you're getting sick of it. Twilight's silence wasn't helping either.


You're drowned in pressure, stress, anxiety.

What could go wrong in this marriage? Each and every move and decision you make can bring things down.

How careful should you be?

You don't know, all you know is that you should execute this flawlessly.

What could go wrong?

"What could go wrong?" you asked in a shaky breath.

Still no answer from Twilight.

"What could go wrong?"


"What could go–"

"Stop thinking about what could go wrong, stop thinking about what will happen after the marriage." Your eyes widen as Twilight pushed you away from him slightly as he forced you to stare at him in the eye, his stern gaze pierced through your surprised one as he spoke again.

"There would be mishaps in every mission and all we could do is to make sure that the mission won't totally fail, knowing you. Your negative thinking would always be ahead of the positive ones, if you think you would fail then you will. So get that thought away from that head of yours and think of another."

"And even if things wouldn't go on our side, I will always be here to catch you. I'll help you, guide you. Whatever the things you want me to do."

"I will always be with you," he finished.

That's funny, even if he will always be there for you like he said. It won't be possible.

I'll always be alone in this mission.

You chuckled in a breathless manner, eyes closing in amusement as you took in his words of affirmation. Even if those were only words to comfort your shattered soul, even if it was only an air of promise. It was still nice hearing it from him, the man who helped you throughout everything.

"I've never felt so alive whenever I'm with you." Twilight hummed at this, taking notes about your sudden claim of affection.

The two of you stayed in that position you were in earlier before you separated yourself from him, now smiling calmly as you searched some emotions in his dulled gaze.

"What I said earlier doesn't mean that I love you romantically okay? I'm just saying what I'm feeling at the moment."

Twilight then rolled his eyes at this.

You're still the same [Name] he knew back then.


Your gaze narrowed after hearing something from behind the streets with Twilight beside you, the blonde spy for some reason didn't really caught up on the suspicious noise and continued on minding his own business like the person he is.

You rolled your eyes at this and sneakily turned your gaze behind you, only to sigh in annoyance when you saw the familiar figure of a black haired second lieutenant.

"Yuri," you hissed.

Twilight then looked down at your figure before looking behind him and raised his brow in amusement, "You sure do have a very observant husband."

You nudged his side at the comment.


Glancing back at Yuri, he was standing there making his presence known. His red eyes was clearly looking at your direction with a judging stare as if saying 'I am definitely suspicious about your relationship even though you guys said you're relatives.'

Shouldn't he be out doing some sss business? Like taking spies and interrogate them or something. You were about to feel relieved when you remembered something.

You guys were spies.

"Oh my gosh Twilight what if he knows already!?" you whispered in panic while Twilight only stared at you in amusement.

"You're overreacting."

You frowned, "I am not."

Because what if he actually knows right? That could be possible even though he's a bit stupid when it comes to his sister, you also don't know how he does his work in the sss.

Maybe he can be ruthless, aside from that time where you saw him fought at the cafe. The rest? You don't really know anymore, but you'll be investigating on him soon after marriage.

Just like planned.


Oh no.

"Why my beautiful future wife, I didn't know you're with your cousin who seems to be unworthy of my sister's love."

You could only force a smile on your face as you fully turned your attention towards the black haired male, eyes widening in shock when you noticed he was already standing a meter away from you.

Wait a minute, is he a vampire or something?

His red eyes were even glowing in the night, how is that possible? And he looks a bit.


"What's wrong, future wife?"

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