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"Marvelous shooting skills huh?" you boast. A glint of pride can be seen in your look as Twilight only rolled his eyes in annoyance while finishing off the last criminal.

He couldn't deny it though, you were great at it. Anything destructive was what you can do in the mission, if you weren't gonna be put in the sidelines and become low-key. You were always used to finish off enemies when needed, no one would stand a chance with you.

If you're stable enough, you would've been more than you are right now. Twilight wouldn't have to look after you from time to time, you would be independent. Someone the headquarters will rely for the humanity's future– well they do rely on you now just not that strong as how they rely things to Twilight.

Which was okay, it wasn't that much of a big deal for you. Their decision was actually great, since you wouldn't have to be dealing with all the messy stuffs around. Twilight was good at that area.

While you? Still the best when you're in the sidelines.

"I think we should move ahead."

You glanced at him with a curious look as he went forward without even caring around his surroundings while you slowly trailed behind, not really sure why he suddenly felt the need to keep moving when there could be enemies appearing out of nowhere. And no you're not questioning his movement, it's just that you were hesitant.

For some reason, it feels like something was going to be wrong.

You just couldn't point your fingers to it.


"Hahaha! Isn't that funny? His daughter is here, fighting off her supposed to be enemies." A teenage girl giggle as she pushed her body forward before staggering back with a wide grin.

"You can say that."

A silver haired man came into view as he stopped beside the energetic girl behind him, his stare went from the girl then to the yours and Twilight's retreating figures.

"I can't wait to fight her, didn't boss say that she's a broken war machine? I wonder what that lady can do when she loses control, end this world maybe?" she giggled.

Only to stop when her eyes met the man's sharp stare, she could only grin at him in embarrassment. A faint blush appearing on her childish feature.

The man named Luke took a watch inside his pocket, "I don't think we have enough time chit chatting in this area, we have to move and report this happening to the higher ups."

The girl pouted, "Already? But there's so many stuff to watch!"

"I already sent the men home, they aren't going to bring chaos anymore. As we already saw her capabilities when in control."


"Listen to me Selena," he growled, "I have no time to discuss with you and your childish antics, you are here to help me witness the person who was supposed to be holding your position right now. So don't make me and the higher-ups regret you as a replacement."

Mr. Policeman | Yuri Briar x Reader Where stories live. Discover now