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In the morning, Josh is already ready to go to work. He knocks on Jennifer's door.
She opens the door.

Jennifer : Josh? Is everything okay ?
Josh : Hi. Sorry, I came early. Upset.
Jennifer : Don't say that. Come in !

Josh sits in the living room. She comes with two cups of coffee.

Jennifer : What's wrong ? You seem sad.
Josh : Uhh...I have bad news. Sadly.
Jennifer : Tell me.
Josh : I didn't have the chance to tell you yesterday.
Jennifer : Then talk ! Worried.
Josh : I have to go to Las Vegas.
Jennifer : I don't understand. Why ?
Josh : Mr. Bell sent my profile to Bell High School in Las Vegas.
Jennifer : But why ?
Josh : He couldn't find a Science Teacher there. I really didn't understand. He didn't even let me convince him.
Jennifer : When will you leave ?

Josh lowers his head without saying anything. Jennifer raises his head touching his chin.

Jennifer : Josh? Tell me.
Josh : Today. Sadly.
Jennifer : Today ? But it's far !
Josh : I know. He sent my profile because he already knows that I have another house there.

They remains silent for a moment, Josh held her both hands.

Josh : I have an idea, but I need to know your answer.
Jennifer : About what ?
Josh : Do you want to go with me?
Jennifer : Where ? To Las Vegas ?
Josh : I already proposed to you. So, Jennifer,... do you want to go with me?
Jennifer : I want but,...Mom...
Josh : Aunt Maria will come with us.

Jennifer remained silent.

Jennifer : You know, it's been a long time since I saw your parents.

Just then, Josh thought of his parents who had already refused the marriage.

Jennifer : Josh ? What are you thinking about ?
Josh : Nothing.
Jennifer : Are you sure ?
Josh : Yeah... Anyway, don't change the topic, do you want?
Jennifer : I haven't yet understood how will we do all this?
Josh : Today, I'm going to put my things away. I think the substitute teacher will take care of it. And... next week, we're getting married.
Jennifer : What ? Next week ?
Josh : Yes. Aunt Maria is going to be discharged from the hospital. Before she leaves, we are going to change the decoration of the house in Las Vegas. So do you want to come ?
Jennifer : Logically, I'm not going to leave my mother sick from the first month.
Josh : Don't worry. I've already asked Diego to take care of her.
Jennifer : Are you planning without me ? Laughing.
Josh : You're changing the topic again! Do you want to come ? This is the third time I ask you this question.

Jennifer smiled.

Jennifer : Of course I do.

Josh hugs her.
She looks at her phone: "8:10 a.m."

Jennifer : Josh! It's 8:10 am! I haven't dressed yet!

After a few minutes, Mr. King, in the kitchen preparing breakfast. She looked, abruptly, at her son with Jennifer, coming out of the building.
She was immersed in her thoughts when she sat down on a chair in the kitchen.
The father comes out of the bedroom. And came behind his wife.

Jason : Good morning, honey.

The thinking mother, didn't even see her husband sitting in front of her.

Jason : Babe ? Wendy !!

Suddenly, she snapped out of her thoughts and stared at him.

Wendy : I'm sorry. What did you say ?
Jason : What are you thinking about ?
Wendy : Yesterday, my heart ached. And I hadn't slept well.
Jason : Why ?
Wendy : I was thinking about Josh. And now he's gone without even saying goodbye.
Jason : He'll come back. Don't worry.
Wendy : I'm starting to hate this Jennifer. He sees her more than us. Not even 5 minutes ago, I saw them coming out of her house.
Jason : Let him do what he wants. It's his last day. Then he won't see her again.

At school.
Josh walks into his classroom, he opens the closent to store his things.
Two first-year students enter.

Sophia : Mr. King, we knew you were leaving. Why ? Sadly.
Noah : Mr. King, we got used to you, we don't really like the substitute teacher, he doesn't explain well.
Josh : It's not my choice, guys.

The bell rings, start of the first lesson.

Josh : You're going to be late, go now, so the supervisor doesn't punish you.
Noah : When are you going to leave ?
Josh : After an hour.
Noah : Can you stay until 12 noon ? We have to say goodbye before you go.
Josh : Okay, I will see.

The two students run out to enter their class.
Kelly knocks on the door.

Kelly : May I come in ?

Josh doesn't say anything. She enters.

Kelly : I knew you were going to leave . I didn't want you to leave, mad at me.

Josh doesn't look at her, he continues to store his things.

Kelly : Please, I don't want anything anymore. I just want us to reconcile, look at me Josh.

She sat down on the table in front of him.

Kelly : I know you're kind, because if it was the opposite, you would have talked to Jennifer and told her everything I did.

He raises his head towards her.

Josh : You've become so mean, Kelly. I can't believe you anymore.
Kelly : Don't forget our old fellowship ?
Josh : Our fellowship ?
Kelly : You know, I didn't know you were that mad.
Josh : Mad ? You know I don't hate you, I swear. Because if I hate you, that means I care about you, and I don't. To be honest, when I remember what you did, I feel disgusted...
Kelly : Disgusted ? With tears in her eyes.
Josh : And much more. You were my only little cousin, I loved you as my little sister, but what I saw of you, showed me that you killed your innocence. Let's forget Jennifer, do you think that I could love you with your bad devil thoughts ? I never know that you could, one day, forbid my happiness,  and you rudely tell me that you would kill her. You let me doubt the person I love, Kelly.
Kelly : I'm sorry. I deserve what I'm going through, I deserve to be alone, I deserve to be in jail, I deserve death, and that won't be enough.
Josh : You took your choice, you're paying the bill.
Kelly : You're right, Josh.

Kelly stands up, the moment she leaves the classroom, she turns to him.

Kelly : Josh, you should know that my heart is not a stone, it feels, and it loves, just like yours. I'm glad you let me talk to you. And don't worry, I won't do anything to her.

After one hour, the principal came.
He finds Josh, seated, contemplating the view from the window.

Mike : You haven't left yet, Josh.

He turns.

Josh : Excuse me, Mr. Bell, the students begged me to stay to say goodbye. I'll leave after noon.

After 4 hours, noon is there.
The students gather to say goodbye to Josh.
After touching moments, Jennifer goes out with Josh, to put his things in the trunk of the car.

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