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‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

Flash back
3rd person's pov:

"How about you shut your fucking mouth whore." Vance said balling his hands into fist's.

"Make me bitch."

Y/n and Vance now both glaring at each other. Vance gets up from where he was standing and walks up to y/n not breaking the eye contact.

"Who the fuck do you think your talking to bitch?" Vance bending down to where y/n was. Staring her dead in the eye.

Y/n getting in his face replying to him. "You don't scare me fuck face." Y/n's response only pissed Vance off more then he already was.

If they where in a cartoon smoke would be coming out of his ears. Vance getting mad grabbed y/n by the hair and had brought his switch blade up to her face.

"I could end your pathetic little life right here y/n." Something about the way hs said her name made y/n get butterflies in her stomach.

"Oh ye then do it." Y/n replied. Vance seeming hesitant to do anything, y/n had spat on his face. Vance letting go of y/n's hair, had went to wipe off the spit on his face.

Y/n using this to her advantage had grabbed the vase that was next to her. Smashing it against the side of vances head. Vance had fell back on his ass, dropping his switch blade somewhere on the floor.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Vance yelled grabbing the side of his face where y/n had hit him. Y/n standing up from where she was had looked down at Vance. 'Shit' she thought now feeling bad.

'Well technically it was his fault so oh well.' Eli and Jacob hearing the glass breaking and vances yell, came running into the living room.

Jacob and Eli coming in the living room seeing y/n standing looking down at Vance who was surrounded by glass shards.

"Y/N WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" Eli yelled at y/n who was just standing there looking dumbfounded. Jacobs foot hitting something while going to check on Vance.

Jacob looking to what he had hit was vances switch blade. Jacob picking up the switch blade and helping Vance up from the floor.

"LISTEN ELI BEFORE YOU START YELLLING AT ME HE-" Y/n getting cut off from defending her self.

"Vance why is your blade out?!" Jacob Exclaimed giving Vance his switchblade back. Vance now standing at his full height still rubbing the side of his face that got hit with the face.

He starts looking around every where else besides where his brother is.

"Vance!!" Jacob yelled at him with his arms crossed. Meanwhile y/n and Eli was staring at them with y/n cracking her knuckles and picking at the skin of her fingers.

Vance replies back with a sigh saying "IT WAS THE BITCHES FAULT!!" Vance now pointing at y/n. Y/n looks at Vance offended at his lie.


They both end up breaking into argument with them both saying how the other started it first. Eli and Jacob breaking them up.

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