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"Hurry up you fucking brat!"

As you hurried up to your mom while carrying 2 bags of groceries, she pulled your ear before walking with you home

Your siblings and Father were dead, they were killed by your mother

But Honestly you couldn't really care, they were all abusive

Well except for your oldest brother Yaku. He was the nicest out of all of them

But he was brutally burned alive by your mother after she found out he was saving up money to get you in school

As you guys took the alleyway to your home, your mother was violently taken from you

The bags dropped to the ground and you stared at the darkness, someone grabbed you from behind and covered your mouth

You watched as your mothers body fell to the ground, her neck was slit open as blood came running out of her mouth and neck

You stared at it blankly and sighed

You saw a man with short white hair walk up to you

"Are you not going to cry?"

You shook your head

The man stared at you in silence before standing up properly

"Take the girl to the base, we're taking her in"

The man who pulled you from behind lifted you up, you saw that it was someone with long silver hair

You gripped the end of his collar and stayed like that

He put you in a car between two purple haired men, one with long hair and the other with short

You heard the car engine start and the car drove off

You fiddled with your fingers and traced the scars and wounds on your arms

The two men beside you watched you carefully

After a while you passed out and your head landed on the lap of the long haired one


You woke up with your hands tied, you were laying on a blanket on the floor

You struggled to sit down but you did anyways, you heard the door open so you looked up and saw the man from earlier

A pink haired one along with someone else entered as well

The white haired man crouched down infront of you

"What's your name?"

You thought about it

"Y/N, I think?"

"You think?"

You nodded

"Mama calls me different names sometimes, but my older brother called me Y/N once. So I think that's my name"

He hummed

"Do you want us to be your guardians now?"

From your older brother, he said that if anyone asks you that. You say yes, especially if they're nice to you

So you nodded

He hummed, the man with blonde hair and black stripes untied you and took you to the couch

Mikey ordered him to get you comfortable so he did what he was told

He placed you down and you blinked at him, he was really big. Way bigger than you

A songbird's nest || Bonten x Child!readerWhere stories live. Discover now