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You were hiding in the cabinet this time, not the ones high just the ones like under the sink

Kakucho was cooking and knew you were there, he was helping you hide from Sanzu

You wanted to get back at him so-

Suddenly Sanzu barged into the Kitchen


"You mean Y/N? No, I haven't"


As Sanzu ran out of the room, Kakucho picked you up and sat you down on the table before giving you your food

Today they were gonna bring you with them to a club, of course it was owned by them

They were gonna bring you there because no one will be at home to take care of you

Body guards are scattered all over the place there so it's easy to keep an eye on you


Sanzu blinked dumbfounded as Kakucho silently chuckled

"Inhale I despise you Kakucho, you know that?"

"Oh don't worry, I'm fully aware."

You chewed on your food as you watched them bicker back and forth


You got out of the car and walked with them inside the club, Takeomi handed you something

"Here kid, it's a simple bubble gun. Shoot it at someones eyes if they're bothering you, and remember the bracelet alright? Click the button on the side if you need help"

You nodded while you followed them inside before separating from them

You walked around and a few people were confused to see a child but shrugged it off

Something stupid you did was whenever you saw someone blowing smoke near you, you would cough over and over again to make them feel bad and put out the cigarette

Which actually fucking worked?

You decided to go to an area where not many people are and struggled to sit down on the chair

You kept trying until you heard a giggle from your side

"I know this bar is a place for the unexpected but I never knew that the unexpected would include a child~"

A girl said beside you as you turned to look at her

"Here, let me help darling"

She picked you up and placed you on the chair

"Thank you"

She was amused with you

"Well would you like anything to drink or eat?"

You hummed before nodding

The dude at the counter handed you a small menu, they prepared some meals without alcohol because they were informed about you

"This one please"

It was a bowl designed like hello kitty with ramen inside

"Alright, coming up!"

While you waited, you looked around the bar while the girl beside you took a sip of her drink

"Alright then, may I ask a question?"

A songbird's nest || Bonten x Child!readerWhere stories live. Discover now