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As you and Sanzu arrived at the house, he carried you into the living room and took your backpack off while you rested on Kakucho's lap for a bit

"Well? Did ya' like school?"

You nodded

"I met this really pretty girl"

"Oh? Why don't you tell me about her"

"Well uhm, she had long pretty orange hair, really ocean eyes, she was really happy and her name's Nako"

Kakucho tensed a bit but kept a smile on his face

"I see, now why don't you go change before watching TV"

You nodded and walked into your room to change clothes

He smiled while watching you enter your room, once you did his smile faded and he walked over to Mikey's office

He knocked on the door

"Come in"

Kakucho opened the door and went inside, there he saw Mikey reading a book

"What do you need Kakucho?"

"Y/N made friends with Hanma Nako"

Mikey paused before looking up at Kakucho, Kakucho shivered when he made eye contact with Mikey

His eyes looked like he was ready to murder.

Just as they were about to talk again they heard a knock on the door

"Mikey-nii I wanna watch you work"

Kakucho sighed and opened the door, you were in a Narwhal onesie, Mochi helped you wear it

You waddled over to Mikey as he put you on his lap

Mikey shooed Kakucho away as he bowed and exited the room

You watched Mikey read something when suddenly he asks you

"Kakucho was telling me that you made a new friend, what's her name?"

"Hanma Nako, she's really nice and pretty"

You kept rambling about how pretty and nice Nako was until Koko opened the door

"It's dinner time boss"

Mikey nodded and carried you with him to eat dinner

He sat you on the chair beside him

"Thank you for the food"

You guys started eating as they were speaking about something about your school

You chewed your spaghetti while thinking about what to bring tomorrow to school so that you can show Nako

When you finished your food Mochi took your plate as you walked to the bathroom

You brushed your teeth and got ready for bed

But for some reason you couldn't sleep, everyone else was already asleep so you watched TV

Suddenly you heard a car pull up infront of the mansion

You looked out the window and saw 6 masked people exit the car

You were only on the 2nd floor so you accidentally made eye contact with one

You blinked at them as they shot at the window, you ducked and ran into Mochi's room

But before you could even bang the door Mochi already opened it


He was relieved to see you were okay, he was working on a few files when he saw the person shoot the window at your room

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