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You sat silently in the taxi as you looked out the window, when the driver stopped somewhere far Nako's house you sighed and shot the guy

Blood didn't get on you luckily, you walked out of the taxi before calling Nako

"Helloo~ where are you Y/N?"

"Uh yeah- I was just about to say that this taxi driver tried to kidnap me and I killed him off"

You heard Nako sigh at the other end

"Of course.."

"Can you pick me up?"

"Sure! I'll ask papa Huto to bring me there, just share your location!"

"Alright, I'll see you"

You ended the call and sat down by the side walk as you waited for Nako

Slowly you started to drift off to sleep, you closed your eyes while listening to music


Your eyes started opening as you took in what was happening, your head was laid down on someones lap and that person was humming

You sat up and tried to attack the person with a knife, they refrained you from doing so

"Calm down! It's me :DD"

When you saw Nako's smile you calmed down and laid back onto her lap

"Hehe, sorryyy. You were asleep so I just carried you into the car"

You nodded

Huto spoke up from the front

"Oh, by the way. Mikey called me to check in on you since it's been an hour and a half since you left"

"Oh, yeah, I told him I'd message him when I arrived"

He hummed and nodded as he continued driving

When you guys arrived, Nako gave you her clothes for you to change into

After you changed into those clothes you picked up the sleeping C/N in your tote bag and placed it on the cat bed that Nako got for C/N every time you 2 visited her house

You messaged Mikey

Mikey-nii (⊙︿⊙✿)

You: Hey Mikey-nii, I'm here already

Mikey: Yeah, Hanma told me. He also said that you killed your taxi driver?

You: Oh yeah, I killed that bitch

Mikey: Gj, Enjoy there and message me or Mochi when you'll be coming home already.

You: Alr, early goodnight

Mikey: Gn

End of conversation

You placed your phone down on the side

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