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It's been over a year since you've lived with bonten. Mikey allowed you to roam around the streets on your own now as long as you don't go out of Tokyo

Right now you were walking around the streets after a play-date in the park with Nako

You ended up in an alleyway and sat down resting

"Hey there"

You looked up to see someone with blonde and black long hair

You waved at the person as he crouched

His eyes looked dull but not emotionless, they were a yellow color while his hair was tied up

He looked around before looking back at you

"Are you alone?"

You nodded and yawned

The man stared at you before looking around and picking you up

He took your small bag and used his other hand to carry it while he walked out of the alleyway

You were way too tired to care what would happen so you just tried to push his face away before falling asleep

He paused and blinked at you before continuing to walk

The male entered a shop and walked into another room before placing you on the couch

He heard a confused sound and turned around

"Kazutora you never told me you had a kid-?"

Kazutora shook his head

"I don't Chifuyu, I found her in an alleyway where a lot of kidnappers stay. She might become a victim"

Chifuyu hummed before nodding

"Alright, well come on. The shop is still running"

"tell it to stop and come back"

Chifuyu looked at Kazutora with a disgusted face before shaking his head and walking away

"How did I get partnered up with an idiot.."

Kazutora shrugged and walked with Chifuyu to work on the pet shop

A little later...

Kazutora was stocking up some pet food when he felt someone staring at him

He looked to the side to see you

The both of you made eye contact while you waved your small hands

He put the box down and walked over to you

You blinked at him while he picked you up

"Chifuyu, she's awake"

From the counter, Chifuyu looked over and saw you awake

"Hey there!"

You waved at him but didn't make direct eye contact, you focused on something else

Something on the table

Something resting on his hand

It was a baby cat

You pointed at the cat


Chifuyu looked at it before standing up and bringing it over to you

Kazutora set you down as Chifuyu set down the cat

The cat climbed onto your lap as you stared at it in awe

Chifuyu nudged at Kazutora before whispering

"Let's just leave them here for a while"

And so they did, they went back to working around the pet shop while you played with the kitten


Kazutora stayed beside you while you played with the kitten

You named it (K/N) and Kazutora and Chifuyu found it adorable

Kazutora handed you some treats

You stared at it before opening your mouth, Kazutora stopped your hand

"Those are for (K/N), I'll buy you snacks after she eats"

You closed your mouth and nodded

Chifuyu sat beside Kazutora sighing

"Chifuyu, can you take care of K/N for a while? I'll take Y/N out for food"

Chifuyu nodded and you followed Kazutora to get ready

You guys walked out of the pet shop and into the same ramen shop Nako took you to

The same fluff hairs turned to the door and their looks brightened when they saw you guys enter

"Hi Y/N! Hi Kazutora!"

You were gonna wave but you heard a strong gasp before someone tackled you to the ground


You looked at who tackled you to see Nako

Your eyes shined as you responded

"Hi Nako"

She smiled at you as she pulled you up

"Hi Kazuzu!"

Kazutora waved at her as he observed you and Nako's interactions

He looked over at the twins

"I thought there'd be more customers today actually"

Angry shook his head

"Nah, we closed off today but Nako wanted to come over so we let her in, and you guys came in about 30 mins later"

Kazutora nodded

Nako lead you to the same table you guys sat at the first time you came here

"Look look! Mama Vide bought me these matching bracelets for us!"

She hands you the one with half of a red heart with your name spelled out beside it

"I'm already wearing mine, wear yours!"

You nodded and slipped on the bracelet, it fit you perfectly

"Yay! Now we're matching!"

She hugged you as you patted her head

Nahoya took a sneaky picture of you guys hugging and sent it to Souya

She was gonna show you more things Vide got her but your phone started ringing

You picked it up, it was Sanzu

"Y/N can you meet us in the park? We'll pick you up, we have to head somewhere later on and Julika will be babysitting you"

"Okay Zuzu-nii"

You ended the call and waved goodbye to Nako, she was sad to see you go already


You turned to Kazutora who called you and tilted your head

"Visit the pet shop often okay?
(K/N) really likes you and might miss you"

You nodded and headed to the park where Koko was

He picked you up and put you in the car beside him as you guys went home

A songbird's nest || Bonten x Child!readerWhere stories live. Discover now