Between the Grooves, Take 4: Sweet Tarts and Secret Parts

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Where: Shaka-La, Pine Penthouse Level 2               When: 12 days ago

"They're here!" Oslo shouts. He's dressed in a loose 'Mojo + Tarts = Magic' tee shirt. Someone made a few dozen after the concert, and now Shaka-La has a small clothing industry (sponsored by both bands) that sells out every hour.

'How do I look?" Oboe asks Milo, who for some reason has forgone wearing loungewear and is dressed as a business elf. "Lose the cravat, and you'll look much more approachable. We're not negotiating, we're hanging out, bro. There's a difference. Even Roland knew that. And," Milo added, "He'd be really proud of the way you stepped up and filled his role after his death."

"Really? Thanks, Milo. You know," observed Oboe, "You've mentioned Roland more times today since the 1,100 years of his death."

"I think writing 'Under Stone But Not Alone' really helped me to finally accept everything that happened. It was time I stopped lying about it all, as if it was something to be ashamed of."

"Righteous!" declaimed Jay-Oh, slapping him on the back.

"Thanks for helping me with it. I never could seem to get it right on my own."

"Dude, when it comes to the greatest 4-letter word, it's best to go simple. Leave the fancy metaphors and shiny words for the educated, and use words and images that everyone can relate to. That's the hardest thing to do, bro. Believe me." Jay-Oh set down the tray of elven mint chocolate snaps, and snagged a mug of Tartlet Tea – something that Ossie had created in honor of their guests.

Four gryphons landed on their large balcony, each one carrying a member of the girl group. "Hello, Boys!" crowed Flamberry. "Nice pad ya got 'ere!" said Nightberry admiringly, who unfolded the wheeled chair she was carrying, and helped Apple off her gryphon and into her chair. Nightberry was wearing a simple black dress – business-like, similar to Oboe. "You 'ave to admit, Crackle, that's a stunner of a view."

"Well, I understand the top floor will be available soon. Whaddya think, girls, should we put a down payment on it? Or have you guys already placed a bid?" Crackle turned and faced them; her eyebrows arched in challenge.

"Hey, dudette," replied Jay-Oh, "Sheathe that sharp tongue and leave your sarcasm sharpened claws at the door. This is meant to be a peaceful gathering."

"Says the elf who's written every sexist and condescending 'armonic hit that Mojo's ever 'ad!" Nightberry shot back.

"Says the elf who used our sexist songs and dances to pave their group's way to success!" shouted Oboe. The room fell into an awkward silence, until Appleberry began to applaud. "Game, and match," she laughed. "Now, can we move past this? Bury the hand axe, everyone. Because I'm ready to tear into this feast. What's this, Ossie? I've not seen this food before, and since you're the only Mojo member who's a foodie, you must have picked this."

"Actually," Milo said, "He made that himself."

"My own recipe," said Oslo timidly. "It's Elven flatbread with cheese, and a layer of pureed tomatoes on top." He broke off a piece, put it on a plate, and handed it to her. Jay-Oh watched his buff bandmate's face go through several emotions as Oslo awaited Appleberry's verdict.

It was wolfed down after her first bite. "By Thalassa's barnacled breasts! Girls, help me eat this before I eat it all myself!" She wheeled over to Flamberry with a plate, and took it upon herself to be hostess, while Oslo followed her example by taking drink orders. It wasn't, thought Oboe, their usual roles, but the two seemed determined to bring the members together, even if it was just through food and small talk.

"I was in the audience at your last concert," revealed Crackleberry to Jay-Oh. "Did you really write those songs for us? As a tribute?" He felt her eyes searching his, and decided to be honest. "Two I adapted from songs I'd written centuries ago, so that they would be for you girls. The rest, yes."

"I just find it hard to believe that...that – "she began.

"That there's a brain underneath all the spunk? There is! There is so much more that I – that MOJO wants to say. In the beginning, it's the sexy stuff that audiences want. But before you can say important things, you have to get people to want to hear what you have to say. Problem is you can get lost, and end up becoming your image. That's what happened to us. But then you girls came along, and your work reminded me of the songs that I wanted to write. So, thank you for that, Crackle."

"I've a question for you," said Appleberry, "Several, actually. What is it with the Wonder Bowl lights and you guys? You know, fans are spreading rumors that you're trying to bring the magic back to Shaka-La. Are you? Are there secret rituals that you do before each show? Does it involve sacrifice? Do certain tones produce different effects? Does it take all four of you, or is it just one of you? Does this flickering happen only onstage? Must there be an audience? Can you..."

"Hold on!" growled Oslo. "Where are all these questions coming from?"

Nightberry, who'd been discussing marketing with Oboe, rolled her eyes. "Bobdamnit, Appy, we talked about this! Not too many questions at once, or else..."

"...or else we'd get suspicious, you mean. Well, we are. There – it's been said, and it's out in the open. What is Arcane Academy's interest in us? Don't think we haven't noticed their cronies lurking about at the back of the Bowl." Milo crossed his arms, waiting for a reply.

"WAIT!" Oboe loudly declaimed. "Mojoes, if Dean Alderwood has anything on the Tartlets – anything at all, then he's been using it against them to blackmail them into finding out...whatever it is he thinks we're trying to do to bring the magic back to this town. But we know a thing or two about secrets, don't we?" he explained, looking at Milo.

"We do. And we promise you that we will support you against whatever Alderwood is planning. The best way to thwart him is to come clean about any lies or secrets or missteps you may have taken. That way, he loses his power over you." Milo looked at each girl; two were nodding, and two were shaking their heads.

Oslo knelt down and looked at Appleberry, who seemed the most conflicted. "Your group is the second most popular group in this town. And if we combine both our fans, well..."

Appleberry looked up, and said with a huge grin "...that's about every E-pop fan alive. All right, I'm in. Flamberry?"

The fiery redhead brushed away a few tears, then nodded agreement. "As long as my family doesn't get hurt in any backlash, I'm in."

"So, anyway – what is it with Mojo and the Bowl lights? Because you can't deny that something is going on! Perhaps if we put our brilliant pop-music minds together, we can come up with something!" asks Nightberry.

"Absolutely," responds Jay-Oh with an all-encompassing smile. "How about we surprise the Dean during the Big 20 Questions event tomorrow? It would be a very public way to safeguard you Tarts from any retribution he may have thought out!"

"Where has this guy been all my life?" joked Flamberry.

"Well now, I could fix that by..." started the Mojo's lyricist.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" shouted both band leaders simultaneously.

"Sheesh! Don't get your undies in a twist!" whined Jay-Oh, to uproarious laughter from his seven friends.

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