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I arrived at school a laughing mess and out of breath I pulled out my piece of paper and looked at my locker number then heard the door bust open "YOU LITTLE BITCH YOU LEFT ME" I hurried and looked back at my sister "miss quiet down please" I teacher said thank god it was a boy "sorry sir" she did that pick me laugh and looked up at him with begging eyes and as soon as he started to walk away she followed


I went back to my paper and looked around I saw the boy from earlier walk in "hey blondie I need help finding my locker can you be a doll and help me" I said to him "okay y/h/c don't every call me that again or I'll pound your face in" "wow big guy I was joking but can you please" I said to him with my hands together on my chest "no-" "PLEASE" I said screaming "SHUT UP ILL HELP YOU DICKWAD" I looked at him and smiled a little "thank you my number is 359" I said talking to him but looking at my paper "okay your next to my locker" he looked at me with anger in his voice "lucky you big boy" "shut your mouth clumsy" I looked at him "you know you say shut up to much" "and you laugh to much"


We got to my locker and we both put our stuff in them "hey what's your first class" I looked at him and hurried and grabbed my paper "uh math" he looked into my eyes "I have math to come on" I looked at him and smiled " look at you being nice big boy" "I have a name dickwad" "then what is it" we were walking next to each other a lot of eyes landed on me was this guy a big deal or something "what gives you the right to know my name" he looks at my in disgust "well sorry mr big boy my name is y/n" "my names Vance"


We walked into the class room and I had to sit next to Vance because it was the only seat open "okay class we have a new student y/n please stand up and say hi" the teacher looked at my and so did Vance I just slumped down into my seat "no thanks" I faked smiled "come on don't be like that say hi" I got up and did a sarcastic smile and waved "hi" then sat back down I heard Vance chuckle "shut up Vance" he looks over at me "don't tell me what to do y/n"


Passed more classes and now lunch I got to my locker and put my stuff in Vance walked over to me " you wanna sit by me at lunch" "uh sure" I smiled at him "listen my friends are assholes so if they say anything ignore them okay" "okay" I walked with him the the lunch room and got my lunch we walked to his table I sat by him and just picked at my food then his friends sat down "hey Vance who's the girl" Vance looked up to him "y/n she's my friend" I looked over at Vance then back at my food "so you guys aren't fuck buddies" one of his friends said "WHAT THE FUCK DUDE SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I KNOCK YOU OUT" Vance screamed I just looked at him then back at my food real quick "have you seen the new girl Kaitlyn she's hot and damn does she flirt with the teachers" I look up at the friend that said that "kaitlyn y/l/n?" I said looking at him "yea that girl how do you know her" "I'm her sister dumbass" Vance laughed at my comment "well we better throw away our lunch the bells gonna ring soon" Vance said looking at me then the rest of his friends I got up and walked tot he trash can and threw my food out I walked back for the table and Vance sat next to me
We all got up and went to our next classes


Finally the end of the day I went to my locker and grabbed my stuff I was about to walk out till Vance ran up to me and went "meet me at grab n go it's not a date I just want you to see something amazing" I look at him "do you want me to head then now?" "No drop off all your stuff then come over okay" "okay Vance"
Then my sister ran out "come on let's get going" she said while walking I followed behind


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