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Me and my sister walked home and finally arrived I hurried and ran to my room and put my bag down then straight to my mirror doing more make up "so you and the blonde kid a thing" Kaitlyn said behind me I hurried and looked back "are you and that teacher fucking" I smiled "not yet" she pointed gun like fingers at me and I just laughed

I finally got done with my makeup and walked down stairs to my dad "I'm going to grab n go okay dad" he looked at me reaching into his pocket "here's 10 dollars for what you need" I smiled at my dad then kissed his check I took the money and walked out the door

I heard the door open behind me when I was on the sidewalk I look back to see my sister following me "what are you doing Kaitlyn" she looked at me and smiled "i want snacks to" I started to run "well you better be running" then here comes my laughing attacks I started laughing so hard while running I saw grab n go I hurried and ran in I look over to see Vance smiling at me I smiled back then heard the doors open "nice hair Kaitlyn" if looks could kill I would have been dead by my own sister Vance makes a hand gesture to follow him we he started to walk away I follow

We ended up up a pinball machine he pulled out some coins "it's nothing special but I need you to Guard it Kaitlyn or whatever your name is help her those fucking idiots wrestling over there may fuck it up" I look at Vance then over to the boys fighting one of them had something in there pockets

I heard the machine turn on I turned around to watch him my sister sat her drink on top of the machine watching to "y/n there getting closer to us" Kaitlyn whispered to me "hey idiots back the fuck up" I screamed at them they looked at me then stoped fighting "Kaitlyn go flirt with them" I looked at my sister "hell no I'm into teachers and older guys" I gave her a disgusted look and started to watch Vance again he was about to beat his high score I started to get nervous on the store speakers came on sweet child o' mine (let's just act like it was made in the 70s) this was my type of music I even saw Vance moving his head to the rhythm kinda he was actually about to beat his score my sister went some where else then the machine went off saying he beat his high score I started to cheer "I did it!" Vance scream "you did it!" I screamed back I hurried and hugged Vance he didn't hug back but a few seconds later he did "come on let's go celebrate" I grab his hand and buy a few snacks and drinks "Kaitlyn hurry up we're leaving" I screamed in the store then I heard foot steps running towards the door

We were all behind the store eating chips and drinking pop then a teacher walked up to us one of MY teachers "oh hi mr. McKay do I have missing work or something" I said looking up at him "I'm actually here to pick up your sister she has unfinished business" my sister smirked "ew" then I got up and so did Vance I started to walk away from the full on makeout session they were having "wanna go to the park" I look over at Vance with a smirk "uh duhh" I grabbed his hand and ran to the closet part and sat on the swing "push me Vance" he looked at me and then laughed and walked over and started to push me

I am falling for this boy-y/n

( today at school my friend had a headache and went to the nurse and now she has Covid and I was near her😍🫶 anyways I love you and hope you have a amazing night/evening/morning )

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