Cant stay away

955 15 13

After the playground incident, I have decided to just let go of Vance and not talk to him anymore he would just cause more drama I needed it for myself I may be young but not stupid

"Katelyn(forgot how to spell her name this is rushed) I need a hair brush!" I scream knowing she took mine

"Come and get it I'm getting ready to go out!" She screamed back

So I got up and walked and snatching my hair brush "wow you're so helpful Kate" *i smile sarcastically and walk out

Once I got back to my room which was quick I heard my phone ringing

"Hello this is y/n what might you possibly need" i say waiting for a answer

"Hey.. it's Vance I was wondering if I could come over.. it's my dad he's being a total ass" he says with his voice cracking

I am pretty mad at him but i can't stay away

"Fine but if your dad calls the police on us not my fault if my dad sends you back" I laugh a little

"Okay I'll be there in a few and I also need to talk to you" he says laughing back

"Okay whatever" I laugh and hang up the phone and I turn around to see my sister sitting down with a piece of toast just starring at me

"That was Vance wasn't it!" She says smiling

"Yea he is coming over!" I say smiling back

"You are so mature now it's so sad" she makes a sad face and takes a bite out of her bread

"I might be but you sure ain't once this Vance problem is handled I need to help you get a man that's NOT a teacher" i smile and head upstairs waiting for the door bell to ring

A few hours pasted and Vance still hasn't shown up so I walk to my sisters room to talk

"Ya think he stood me up?" I say siting on the bed "and weren't you supposed to leave to"

"Well they canceled for me and it seems Vance done the same on you and he didn't stand you up this ain't even a date y/n" she laughed and sat beside me

"Still.. I think I'll just stay in my room and listen to music" I get up and walk out

I was thinking of Vance did he do this just to mess with me then I enter my room and play my radio until I got a alert
These have been happening often with the kids missing poor Griffen he was so young so was billy and Bruce
'Another kid has been kidnapped we identified him as Vance hopper'
My heart dropped listening to the radio I ran to my sisters room and just hugged her with no explanation she hugged me back she must've been listening to the radio to
I couldn't help but feel crappy
I mean why Vance he was strong this person must've been dangerous and all I know is that I or my sister could be next..

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