I woke up and checked my alarm clock and it said 6:09 I had time to get ready and do my makeup As I sat on the side of the bed rubbing my eyes and I looked at my hands to see the mascara I had fell asleep in all over my face "This is a great way to start my day" I say to my self I walk up to my vanity and sat on the little stool I grab my mascara and makeup wipes as soon as I got the old mascara off I put on a fresh layer of new mascara and brushed my hair after I was done I pulled it up to a low bun and I walked into the bathroom and started to brush my teeth then Kaitlyn came in "hey how are you feeling" I looked at her "I feel fine now" I say spitting some of the toothpaste out my mouth then put my toothbrush up I took a quick swish of mouthwash and spit it out I walked back to my room and got dressed (your choice)
I walked to school without Kaitlyn because she took forever I was walking down the road and saw Vance with his friends "HEY VANCY WANCY" I screamed laughing "SHUT THE FUCK UP Y/N DONT TALK TO ME" he screamed back I thought me and him were friends His friends started laughing with him I have never felt so embarrassed and pissed in my whole entire life I felt my eyes starting to tear up and one tear escaped I hurried and whiped it but I guess his friends saw and told Vance cause they were all looking at me I just hurried and ran away flipping them off
I was walking alone now I saw a black van coming around the corner then the headache comes back I just grab my head and look back at the van and wave "hello would you like a ride miss" the stranger said "no thanks I can't really talk to strangers and my schools up there " well hi I'm mark William now we're not strangers" he smiled "I really can't talk I have to go my school is up there" I hurried and said "have you been crying little girl" he had confusion on his face " listen I just gotta go" I took off running to school and busted through the doors and ran to my locker I put all my things in there and grabbed the stuff I needed for my first class god I hate Vance
It was lunch now i looked at Vance then over to robin and finney i walked over and sat by them and soon was joined by my sister I love my sister she is always here for me but she has serious daddy issues "hey I know you too" I pointed to Robin and finney "but you what's your name" I said smiling and pointing to a little girl by finney "oh I'm Gwen the best blake by the way" I smiled at her attitude I could already tell me and her are bound to be friends I shake her hand then I felt a note hit the back of my head then Vance and his friends where laughing I open the note
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I hurried and threw it back I looked at him unfolding the paper once he did he looked at me his face was full of anger then he just flipped me off I turned back to Gwen and all of them "I thought you and Vance was close" my sister said " me to but that was wrong" I fake smiled "what did it say" Gwen looked at me "he called me a whore" I laughed "and your laughing why" I looked over at robin "well you see there's a such thing as sarcastic laughing" I said while also speaking with my hands " you guys are so fun to hang out with" I say while grabbing my milk carton and taking a sip out of it my face went into disgust mode and I felt like I was going to puke I was pretty sure that milk was spoiled i hurried and poured the milk out of my mouth and back into the carton "we should have warned her about the milk" finney blurted while laughing followed by robin laughing to and shaking his head yes I laughed at little to the bell ringed
It was finally time to go home I hurried and ran up to Gwen finney and Robin "hey you guys wanna go drop off our stuff then go to that park" I say while pointing to the park across from the school "uh yeah!" Gwen screamed and robin and Finney just shaking there heads and saying 'yea sure' we all love of the same road but I walk alone because everyone else lives before me
We all walked down the side walk talking "hey guys" I looked at all of them "I saw a black van and the guy he was acting very weird" robin and finney just looked at each other "what if it was the grabber" Gwen blurted "the what" me and my sister said at the same time "GWEN DONT SAY THAT" finney screamed " he dont actually get people that say his name" gwen looked at finney " I know!" Gwen looked back at the road and said "say it Then" finney looked at Gwen "no!" I had to walk off because there house was right there me and my sister and Robin kept walking " so Robin anyone you like" I say while walking into him and pushing him a little "well I think Jane is super hot" I laugh " I'll make sure to tell her that" I screamed back at robin while he walked into his house " you better not y/n" he screamed back I laughed and walked down the road a bit more until I reached my house I went inside and sat my stuff on the couch and got up to look in the fridge I pulled out a little microwave dinner and cooked it I sat down on the counter just with my thoughts then I wonder about the headaches why do I get them out of nowhere
I finished my dinner and threw away my garbage I went out the door and started to walk down the street to my new friends
( long chapter remember to vote and I love you I hope you have a amazing morning/noon/night🫶❤️)