A Very Mahem Day Trip

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While everyone was getting ready, you made an amazing picnic lunch for the guys to take on your outing.  They were nice enough to let you shower first and once you had your hair and makeup done you had some time to kill.  You packed an assortment of cold cut sandwiches, fruits and raw veggies and cheese to snack on.  You also made sure to fill the cooler with lots of beer.   As you were packing the basket, Pelle came up behind you and pulled your hair aside and kissed your neck.
"What's all this?" He said as he put his arms around your waist and his chin on your shoulder.
"Lunch! I know a couple of secluded places up in the mountains that are really scenic and we won't bother anyone with our loudness."
"Sounds fun, where else are we going?"
"Well, I thought about taking them to the summit, but that all depends."
"On what?"
"On YOU being on your best behavior.  I don't want any of that funny business you pulled on me the last time I took you up there."  You said looking into those baby blues.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." He said trying to look as innocently as he could.
"It's not gonna work Pelle Ohlin."
He smiled and kissed you softly on the lips and said,
"We'll see about that." As he walked away.
You went back to what you were doing, smiling and shaking your head, thinking to yourself, "There's no way he'd try that again, not with the guys with us."
About fifteen minutes later all the guys gathered in the living room.  You walked in and said,
"Hey guys, you about ready to go?"
They all got up and all said,
"Yeah, let's get going."
You asked them to grab the basket and the cooler, they were too happy to help carry those things out for you.  They loaded up the back of the Jeep and everyone piled in.  You finally pulled out of your driveway around 12:30. You and the guys started heading up to Divide where there were plenty of places to have a nice secluded picnic.  About twenty minutes later, you came across a perfect spot for your picnic.  It was a little spot just off the main highway.  You pulled over to the side of the road and the guys seemed puzzled. 
"What's going on? Are you out of gas?" Jan asked.
"No.  Are you guys hungry?"
"I thought this would be a great place to eat."
"Is that what was in the basket and cooler?"
"Are we going to eat in the car?" Jorn asked.
"Nope.  WE are going to hop the guardrail and walk up that hill and sit in the shadow of Pike's Peak." You replied.
You got out of the Jeep and they all followed, you instructed them.
"Ok, everyone grab something.  I have a blanket in the back, the cooler and the basket."
Jorn, Jan and Oystein all grabbed something.  Pelle walked to the back of the Jeep and said,
"There's nothing for me to grab."  He looked at you with that gleam in his eye and walked over to you and squatted down and told you to get on.  You got on his back and put your arms around his neck and he stood up. 
"I'll grab my girlfriend."  He said and all the guys laughed.  Everyone hopped the guardrail and started to climb the hill.  Pelle let you down once you got to the top.  You grabbed the blanket from Jan and laid it down.  The guys sat down with the basket and cooler and you opened them, placed the items on the blanket and told them to dig in.  Everyone grabbed what they wanted as you sat down next to Pelle.  Once he saw you grab some grapes, he laid his head in your lap.  You sat there and played with his hair while everyone was conversing and laughing.  These guys were such a delight to be around. They were all very sweet and hilarious.  They had the same fucked up sense of humor you had, so you all GOT each other.  You were running your fingers through Pelle's long blond hair and noticed he was looking lovingly up at you with a smile on his face.  You bent down and the two of you kissed.  You picked a grape off the vine and held it just above his mouth, he opened up and you fed it to him and kissed him while he was chewing it.
"Hey Jorn, would you had me a beer?"
He took one out of the cooler and handed it to you.  Pelle grabbed it out of your hand and cracked it open and took a sip and handed it to you.  He sat up and grabbed a sandwich and a beer for himself. 
"So, is this a big club we are playing?"  Oystein asked.
"It's a pretty good size.  Lots of metal heads!  It's the most popular metal club in the Springs."
"That sounds awesome! What's the name of the club?" He asked.
"It's called The Black Sheep and I'm so excited about seeing you guys!"  You exclaimed.
"We're excited about this gig too!" Jorn said.
You all continued to talk and joke around.  Pelle continued to steal kisses from you when he thought no one was looking.  Everyone kept telling you what a breathtaking view they had and what a great spot you picked out for lunch.  All of a sudden you spotted a visitor coming your way.  A beautiful mustang.  He galloped right up to you and neighed.  You picked up a few carrots and stood up.  He walked over to you as you held your carrot filled hand out and started eating from it. You used your other hand to pet his snout.  You were gently talking to him as you pet him.  The guys just sat there and watched in amazement.  Pelle grabbed some carrots and walked over to you slowly.
"Can I feed him?" He asked.
"Have you ever fed a horse before?" You asked.
"Ok, hold your hand flat, because if you hold it with your fingers curled up, the horse won't know the difference between your finger and the carrot and could bite you fingers off."
Pelle held his hand out flat and the horse ate from his hand.  He pet the horse while it was eating and had a smile on his face.  In that moment, he looked so innocent and happy.  It warmed your heart and made you smile to see him like that.  You just hugged him tight.  He put his arm around you.  Once the horse finished eating Pelle's carrots, he put his other arm around you and squeezed you tight.  You looked up and his eyes met yours, he leaned down and kissed you.
"I'm so completely and madly in love with you."  He said.
"You have me wrapped around your finger, you know that, right?"
"I do now." he replied.
"I'm so madly in love with you too Pelle!  There is nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you."
He leaned down and kissed you deep this time, and you knew that he was aware of how much you loved him,  From behind you guys you heard the peanut gallery,
"Get a room!" Jan said,
"Pe-lle!" Jorn shouted,
"Slip her the tongue!" Oystein yelled.
You and Pelle finished your kiss and started laughing at them.  He picked you up in his arms and carried you back over to the blanket and asked if everyone was done eating.  Some answered and some pat their bellies as a yes.  You packed up what food was left and everyone got off the blanket so you could fold it up.  They all grabbed what they brought up the hill and you jumped on Pelle's back for your piggyback ride back down the hill.  Once you all got back to the Jeep, they loaded it up and everyone got in.  You fixed your rear view mirror and asked,
"Would you guys like to go to the top of the Peak or go do a little gambling up in Cripple Creek?  I know you want to get back and rehearse.  Each trip will take about 3 hours.  If you can't afford that much time, we can go back to the house and do it another day."
They all discussed it while you drove away.  They decided that it would probably be a better idea to go back to the cabin to practice.  They wanted everything to be perfect for those gigs.  You started heading home.  Before you knew it you were pulling into your driveway.  The guys grabbed everything out of the car as you walked up the stairs to unlock the door.  You let Toby out and then the guys walked in.  They put everything on the kitchen table and headed downstairs.  Pelle stopped in front of you as the other three guys headed downstairs. 
"Thanks for a great lunch with an amazing view today babe."
"You are more than welcome."  You said putting your arms around his waist.
He cupped your face with both of his hands and you looked deep into his beautiful pale blue eyes. You got on your tip toes as he met you halfway and turned his head sideways as he put his lips to yours.  You felt him open his mouth and slowly put his tongue in your mouth.  You reciprocated and met his deep passion.  You both pulled away and he looked into your eyes and said,
"You might want to try to find a way to take a nap today."
"Why?  I'm not tired."
"Let's just say, I have plans for us tonight...all night!"
Your eyes lit up and you gave him a warm, shy smile.  You could feel your cheeks burning because he made you blush.  He looked down at you, kissed you once more and said,
"I'm looking forward to tonight."
"I'm gonna go shopping while you're rehearsing, but I'll be back in about an hour,"
"Ok babe."
"Take care of Toby while I'm gone,"
"You got it!" He walked downstairs and they turned on their equipment.  You could hear the hum of the amps starting up.  You walked to the door and opened it to call for Toby.  He came running in and you shut the door behind you.  You wanted tonight to be special for you and Pelle.  You needed to go shopping to make sure that you created the perfect atmosphere for love making.  You got into your car and took off for the Springs.

With it being close to the holiday season, the mall was packed.  It's bad enough it took you fifteen minutes of driving around aimlessly trying to find a parking space, but it was asshole to elbow inside.  You muttered under your breath,
"Ugh, this is going to take me longer than I thought."
It's a good thing that you have an agenda for today's trip, otherwise, you would be in here all day.  The first place you went was Victoria's Secret.  The store wasn't too terribly bad.  At least you were able to move around in there.  You didn't want anything too over the top, Pelle liked it when you were bad, but he also loved your innocence. He always tells you that your horns hold up your halo.  He loved the fact that no one could tell what a naughty girl you were and that HE was the only one who knew the real you.   So what color should you get?  Black, white, soft pink?  Hmmm.  You liked to think that you knew Pelle pretty well.  Although he was quiet and shy most of the time, he was completely different with you, especially since he's been in America.  Your boyfriend may be quiet, but you've always heard that THOSE are the ones that you are supposed to watch out for.  Pelle was a wild man in bed, but he was also sweet, loving and gentle with you.  You knew that whatever color you picked out was going to determine what kind of night you were going to have with him.  You find a really cute little corset with garters, now which color?  Then, you remembered Halloween night.  How sweet and gentle he was with you throughout the night.  The two of you made love that night.  It wasn't rough fucking, although that was fun too. He took his time with you that night.  Lightly kissing you and every square inch of your body, the way the moon was the only light in the room and it was so bright it lit up the entire room.  You grabbed the white one.  You grabbed some hose for the garters and a white sexy pair of thongs and headed out to the checkout, which luckily was only two people long.  You checked out and took your purchase and headed towards Yankee Candle Company.  You had to find the perfect scent to set the mood.  You chose Midsummer's Night.  You checked out and made a bee line for the door to find your car. 

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