Christmas Shopping

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      For the past few weeks you and Pelle had been sneaking out of the house on one another going shopping. You both knew where the other was going but said nothing, especially when one of you came back and said, "Go downstairs."  Pelle was hiding your gifts upstairs in one of the bedrooms and you were hiding his all over.  Some of them were downstairs in the second living room and some of them were hidden out in the garage.  One of your biggest presents was going to be arriving on December 15th, just three days time, when your family came out for Christmas.  Pelle was always talking about how much. he would like to meet them and asking if you thought they would approve and like him, so you made plans with them while he was preoccupied with the Mayhem gigs for them to come out on Christmas.  You hadn't decided to whether to tell him now or let it be a surprise.  You still needed to feel that one out, but you were pretty sure that he wasn't going to care either way. 
You were sitting in the living room watching Christmas movies on cable while he was out shopping.  Your hair was in a messy bun tied with a scrunchie and you had your glasses on instead of your contacts.  You were wearing a pair of sweatpants and Pelle's I heart Transylvania shirt, he loved it when you wore his shirts.  Toby was taking up most of the couch as he was laying on his side sleeping.  It was lightly snowing out and you had a roaring fire going and it was keeping most of the house warm.  You had a blanket over your legs while you sat there filing your nails when you heard the kitchen door open and Pelle's voice.
"In the living room babe!"
Pelle walked in and stood behind the couch, you leaned back and looked up at him.  He bent down and the two of you kissed your favorite kind of kiss, the one where both of you got the other's top lip.  Toby got up and Pelle rubbed the top of his head while he sat down next to you and kissed you again.  He put his arm around you and you leaned into him.  He kissed the top of your head and said,
"It's cold out there today."
"Did you get a lot done today?" You asked.
"Yeah, and speaking of..."
"I know, you need me to go in the other room."
He looked at you and smiled.  You got up and went into your bedroom when a commercial came on and closed the door.  You heard him go out the kitchen door and you heard him when he came back in and his footsteps going up the stairs and again when he came back down and opened the bedroom door.  You were laying on the bed when he came in and hung up his coat in the closet.  He laid next to you on the bed and brushed the strand of hair that was hanging in your face aside and said,
"You're so beautiful."  Caressing the side of your cheek with the back of his long fingers.
You blushed and kissed his hand.
"Get outta here."
He put his fingers under your jaw, made you look at him and said,
"You are.  When I compliment you, say "Thank you Pelle." Alright?"
You looked into his crystal clear baby blues and said smiling at him,
"Thank you Pelle."
"That's better." He said smiling and leaning in to give you a kiss. He pat your thigh and asked,
"Do we have any wrapping paper and all that stuff?"
"No. Do you want to go out and get some and maybe grab some dinner?  I really don't feel like cooking today."
"Yeah, that sounds good.  Can I drive?" He asked.
"Sure! Can you give me about fifteen minutes to make myself a little more presentable?"
"You look fine."  He said as he was getting off of the bed.
"I don't think so babe."
You gave him that look that you give him when he's full of shit.  He smiled and went into the living room and sat on the couch where Toby was and started watching whatever movie you left on.  You went into the bathroom and fixed your hair and makeup, then put some clothes on and grabbed Pelle's leather jacket out of the closet and brought it out to the living room to him.
"You ready?" He said shutting off the television and standing up.
"Sure am." You replied back to him, handing him his leather jacket and he put it on.
He put his hand in the small of your back and guided you out of the living room to the kitchen.  Before you left you made sure to feed and give Toby water. Once that was done you walked out the kitchen and Pelle followed closing the door and locking it behind him.

"There...there's a spot!!"  You said pointing.
"I see it." Pelle responded.
He pulled into the empty spot and turned off the Jeep.  The two of you got out and locked the doors and went into the store to grab a few rolls of wrapping paper.  You ran to his side and he put his arm around you as he put the car keys in the pocket of his leather jacket.  You both walked right to the wrapping paper rolls and he picked out two and so did you.  You pulled his hand and walked over to the gift bags and boxes and put a few of those in the cart and he grabbed a bag of bows and you some curling ribbon.
"Do you have any of these?" He asked pointing to the gift tags.
"Nope.  Throw a few of those in the cart." 
"Do we really need this much?" He asked.
"I'll explain it to you at dinner."
He gave you a puzzled look, but threw them in there anyway.  Once you were done shopping, you checked out and Pelle carried the bags to the car.  As the two of you were walking out to the car, three girls whistled.  You turned around and looked at them and Pelle just squeezed your hand and said,
"Come on.  Ignore them, I am."
"They can look all they want, but I'm the one you love."
"Exactly, don't forget that! You're the love of my life and I don't care how many girls whistle and look at me.  Even if you and I weren't together, those aren't the kind of girls I like."
Once you arrived at your car, Pelle unlocked the car and threw the bags in the backseat and shut the door.  He grabbed you by your shoulders and turned you to face him.  You kept glancing back at those girls and Pelle said,
"Let's give them something to stare at." 
He bent down and kissed you long and hard and when he let you go, you smiled at him.  He opened the door for you and shut it, then walked to his side and got in, not once glancing at the three girls.  He put the keys in the ignition and started the car, backed out of the spot and started driving away.
"I'm flattered really." You said to him.
"Why's that?"
"Because their whistles just mean I have excellent taste in men."
Pelle smiled and grabbed your hand and kissed it. 
"Where to for dinner?" He asked.
"Where do you feel like eating?"
"Are there any Italian restaurants around?"
"Spaghetti Factory?"
"Sounds good to me." He replied.
You gave him the directions on how to get there and when you got there, more parking issues.  He had to drive around for ten minutes waiting for someone to leave the restaurant and give up their parking space.  Finally, he spotted someone leaving and turned on the blinker waiting for them to pull out so that he could park.
As the two of you walked into the restaurant hand in hand, he pulled on the giant door and held it open for you.  When he finally entered he looked around with his jaw wide open at everything there was to see.
"I've never seen a restaurant like this before."
"This is just the lobby, wait until we get past that partition."
The hostess came over and brought you to one of the beds and asked,
"Is this alright?"
"Great!" You said sitting down.
Pelle sat across from you just looking at all the different kinds of tables they had.
"This place is hella cool." He said.
"You hungry?"
"Starving!" He said.
The server came over and introduced himself and asked if he could start us off with any drinks and/or appetizers.  Pelle got his usual coke and you a diet.  You ordered appetizers for you and Pelle.  The server went to fetch your drinks and brought them back quickly.  He took a sip of his coke and looked at you and asked,
"So, you said that there was something that you wanted to tell me at dinner, what was it?"
You smiled at him and said,
"I'm not sure how you are going to feel about this, and I have been struggling whether I should tell you or wait until the day and surprise you."
He stared at you and hung onto your words.  You didn't want him to feel ambushed and that's why you decided to just tell him.
"You know how you're always asking me if my family would approve of you and if they would like you?"
He paused for a moment and took a sip of his drink and said hesitantly,
"Well, what would you do if I told you that you're going to find out?"
He smiled at you and said,
"What do you mean?"
"My mother and my sisters are coming out for Christmas."
His eyes got really big and he said,
"Really?!?  That's fucking amazing!"
You breathed a sigh of relief with his answer.
"Are you sure?
"YES! I think it's great!  I'll finally be able to meet them and get all the dirt on you."  He said smiling opening his mouth wide and sticking his tongue out.
Now it was you looking at him with wide eyes.
"Shit, I didn't think about that."
The server brought over your appetizers and asked if we knew what we wanted,
"I'll have the chicken Alfredo,  please." You answered
"And for you?" He asked Pelle.
"Spaghetti, please." He replied.
The server took our menus and said,
"I'll have those right out for you two."
As he walked away from the table, Pelle looked back at you and laughed. 
"I'm gonna take them out to lunch and get all the good stories on you!"
"Great!  My mother is bringing baby and childhood pictures of me out, so your stories will be illustrated."
He sat across from you laughing even harder.  You gave him a light tap on his leg under the table with your foot and put your hand under your jaw and looked at him sideways.  You were, for the most part, a pretty good kid but you got into some trouble in your early teens. You grabbed a fried ravioli and dipped it in sauce and held it out across the table for Pelle to taste.
"What's this babe?"
"It's a fried's good, take a bite."
He opened his mouth and sunk his teeth into it only taking half.
"Not bad." He said as you dipped the other half into the sauce and ate it. "What are these?" He asked.
"Fried mozzarella sticks." 
Once again you dipped it and fed it to him. When he bit it the cheese was really stretching and he took it out of your hand and shoved it into his mouth.
"I really like these." He said while he was chewing.
About fifteen minutes later the server brought your food over and a hot loaf of sourdough bread with garlic butter.  He placed your plates in front of you and asked if there was anything else he could bring over for you.  You and Pelle asked for refills and the server walked away to get them.  You both started eating and talking about the traditions that you and your family do for Christmas.  He was really excited about meeting your family and seeing how you were going to act when he learned more about you.  After dinner, Pelle paid for the check and the two of you walked out into the freezing Colorado night air.  You got into the Jeep and Pelle drove the two of you back up the mountain to your cozy, warm cabin.

You two grabbed the bags out of the Jeep and walked up the stairs and he unlocked the door and you both entered.  You both placed the bags on the table and Toby came out to greet you and Pelle.  You looked at him and said,
"I'm freezing babe.  I'm gonna go run a hot bath. Could you let Toby out for me?"
"Sure.  Do you want some company?"
You looked at him smiling and said,
"I'd love some company."
"I'll meet you in the tub in 10 minutes." He said kissing you softly on the lips.

You were in the bathroom drawing a hot bubble bath in your huge garden tub.  It was use about filled so you shut off the water, put your hair back up in a messy bun and took your robe off.  You put one foot in the tub and it was the perfect temperature. You quickly pulled your other foot in and immersed your body under the very warm water and lots of bubbles.  You heard the kitchen door shut and lock and within seconds Pelle appeared and stood over the tub and said,
"You look really comfortable in there all by yourself."
"I am.  I'm also lonely."  You looked up and stuck your bottom lip out into a pout.
As you sat in the very comfortable tub, as Pelle stood in front of you and took off his shirt, swung it around his head and it landed on the doorknob.  Then he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and moved side to side as he took them off.  You started singing the stripper song as he did it and he started laughing.  Once his pants were down to his ankles he used his feet to get then off, then he lifted his leg and took off his socks and finally he gave you the full Monty as he slid his boxers off.  You cheered and put your fingers in your mouth and whistled loudly as he stood bare ass naked in front of you.  He walked over to the tub and you moved forward as he got in behind you,  He put his legs on either side of you and you sat back against him and he immediately put his arms over your shoulders and kissed the side of your temples.  The two of you just laid in the hot water and softly caressed one another,  About fifteen minutes went by and you grabbed the body wash and turned around to face Pelle.  You began to start lathering yourself up and he was leaning back against the slanted part of the tub just watching you and he said,
"Do you need some help?"
"Yes, can you wash my back?"
"You'll have to turn around again."
You pulled your knees up to your chest and turned around,  Pelle grabbed the body wash and put some in his and and started to wash your back gently.
"MMM...that feels nice."
Once he was done washing your back, he slid his hands underneath your arms and began to wash your breasts. You let out a little sigh and leaned back against his chest, put your arms over your head and grabbed the back of Pelle's head and brought it to you,  He leaned forward and the two of you started kissing.  You rolled over and faced him, sat on his lap and wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. You broke from his kiss and put your forehead against his and looked into his beautiful eyes.  He gazed back into yours and said,
"I love you."
"I love you too Pelle."
You smiled at him and said,
" are an awfully dirty boy and you need to be bathed."
"I am?"
"Mmm-hmmm."  You hummed.
You grabbed the body wash and put some in your hand and created a lather.  Pelle sat forward and kissed you softly on your cheek.  You pushed him back and began to lather his chest, you pinched his nipples in between your fingers and he let out a little,
You smiled and kept washing.  Adding more wash to your hands you continued washing his torso.  You started where you left off on his stomach, it was firm and his skin was soft.  You continued down his stomach and your hand slipped under the water and you took hold of his manhood which was already up and standing at attention and began to wash it. Wrapping your hands around it you started stroking it and he put his head back and let out a sigh. You got up on your knees and kissed his long neck from side to side and worked your lips up to his chin and jaw until your lips met his.  You began to kiss passionately and as you moved your lips back to his neck, you heard him say,
"I think it's time to get out of the tub."
"Me too."  You replied back.
Pelle stood up and grabbed a towel and extended his hand for you to take and he helped you up.  You grabbed it and he pulled you up from out of the tub.  He dried off his feet and you did the same. He stepped out of the tub and held your hand as you got out to make sure you didn't slip.  Once you were out of the tub you both began kissing again and he picked you up and you wrapped you legs around his waist and he carried you to the bedroom and laid you down on the bed.  Still kissing one another he looked at you and said,
"I hope you're not too tired, because I'm thinking that this is going to be a very long night."
"Even if I was tired, I will always be awake enough for an all nighter." 
He smiled at you and started to kiss you again.  Pelle made love to you for hours with only little breaks in between sessions.  He was the world's greatest boyfriend, best friend and lover all wrapped up into one...and he was all yours!

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