Pelle's Birthday

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      For the past two weeks, you and Pelle have been spending as much time together as humanly possible because of what tomorrow will bring.  The two of you just came back from a trip you surprised him with.  For the past four days you were both in Florida at Disney World.  You wanted to take him someplace fun, plus you had an idea of taking pictures of Pelle as Dead doing various things, like riding rides, meeting Disney characters etc.  He thought it would be hilarious so he dressed as Dead, corpse paint and all.  You got some really great pictures but your favorite one was the one where he got Winnie the Pooh to throw the claw up with him.  Once you got all of the pictures that you wanted,  He went into the mens room and washed the corpse paint off and the two of you continued on with your day. He was absolutely shocked when you told him where you were taking him.  He'd never been to Disney and you thought it was only appropriate to bring him to the happiest place on earth.  The two of you were so out of place there.  Ripped jeans and metal band t-shirts, but it didn't stop you from having a good time.  You both had a blast there. The two of you acted like kids during the day and you had some beautiful evenings out together as well.   Of course, there was also lots of love making.  You promised each other that while you were at Disney you wouldn't talk about the seventeenth. You were just enjoying your last little bit of time together.  You both had the best time together there.

Now, you were both entering the cabin, miserable, knowing that Pelle will be going back to Oslo tomorrow, and you won't see him until he comes back out with the guys for those gigs at The Black Sheep in April. He held your hand the entire flight home, he was probably thinking that when he leaves tomorrow he'll be alone, your hand won't be there for him to hold, your lips won't be there for him to kiss and your body wouldn't be there to hug whenever he was having a bad day or he was depressed.  It broke your heart to think there wasn't going to be anyone there for him when he gets back.  His beautiful voice broke the silence. 
"When do we go to pick up Toby?"
"In about a half and hour.  Did you want to drive?"
"Yes, that would be nice."
You walked over to him and threw your arms around his neck and hugged him tight.  You were holding back tears because you didn't want to upset him and then you heard him sniffle and felt his arms tighten around you.  He lifted you up and held you there in his arms, your feet dangling as they were about a foot off the floor.
"I'm gonna miss you so fucking much."  He whispered in your ear as he was breathing your scent in,
"I'm gonna miss you too.  What are we going to do for four months?"
"Three and a half.." His reply muffled because his face was in your neck.
You both started to laugh.  He pulled away from your neck, his tear filled eyes met yours and you both smiled at one another. He pulled you in and kissed you softly.
"What do you want to do today?  It's your birthday and or last day together...think!"
"To be honest..I just want to hang here with you and Toby today."
"What would you like for dinner then?"
"You got it!"
You kissed him and threw laundry in, so he wouldn't have to worry about it when he got home.  You came back into the kitchen where Pelle was snacking on some fruit and cheese.  You handed him the keys to the Jeep and asked,
"Are you ready to go pick up Toby?"
He smiled and torted,
"Does a bear shit in the woods?" He smiled.
"Let's go!"
The two of you walked out of the house and headed to the Jeep so you could pick Toby up from the boarders.

Pelle pulled into the dog boarders and parked.  You both got out of the car and walked into the building arm in arm.  The receptionist greeted you and asked how your trip was, and you all talked about that for a few minutes, and then she said,
"Let me go get Toby for you."
She went into the back and you could hear all the dogs barking in the back when she opened the door.
Pelle put his arm on the counter, looked at you and said,
"I can't wait to see him."
"He's grown on you huh?"
"He really has...I'm gonna miss him too."
The receptionist came out with Toby. She handed Pelle the leash and Toby was barking and crying when he saw you and Pelle.  There were no shortages of dog kisses when he got hold of us. 
"Thank you for taking such good care of him."
"Oh it was our pleasure.  He is a really good boy."  She smiled as she watch Pelle and Toby's reunion.
Pelle stood up as you were finishing your conversation with the receptionist, and led Toby out the door and to the Jeep.  You followed and all three of you got into the Jeep and headed back home to the cabin. 
Pelle pulled into the long driveway and up to the house.  The three of you got out of the car and Pelle walked over to you and asked,
"Do you want to go for one last walk in the woods?"
You put our arm around his waist and said,
"There's nothing I would like more."
He bent down and softly kissed your lips and mouthed the words Thank you to you.  He whistled to Toby and all of you started walking towards the forest that was your backyard.  Toby ran ahead of you and Pelle and found his favorite tree to mark. Pelle stopped and grabbed your arm and said as he put his hands on your ass.
"This is where we had our first walk together." 
"I remember." You said softly to him as you kissed his lips then smiled.
"When we first met face to face, I was so turned on by you. I couldn't wait to get you into bed.  When you first brought me home, out here for that walk, I was ready to take you right here in the woods but I didn't want our first time to be out here, you deserved to be in the comfort of your bed with me.  It took every bit of my energy to refrain from taking you, I've never wanted someone so badly in my life."
He leaned down and kissed you softly on your lips as you stood there in his arms blushing.
"I just want to let you know that I would've let you take me here that night, but I'm glad about how our first time was."
He grinned ear to ear and replied
"Me too. I wouldn't have changed anything."
The two of you began kissing again.  He pulled his lips away from yours and said quietly,
"I hate knowing that I'm leaving here tomorrow and that you're going to be here all alone and I'm not going to be able to see your beautiful face when I wake up in the morning, not until April, when I come back here for those gigs.  This is harder than I thought it was going to be, I don't know how we are going to do this. I honestly don't think I can live without you."  He put his finger and thumb under your chin and raised your face to look at him, he put his forehead against yours and said, "You are my everything."
Your eyes immediately swelled up with tears but you managed to hold them back. You wanted Pelle to know that you were going to be strong and not lose it when he leaves tomorrow morning and not the blubbering mess you were actually going to be.  He picked you up and hugged you tight, your feet hanging as he held you by your waist and your arms wrapped around him.  You breathed him in as you put your face into his neck and his hair shielded your face from the cold air that surrounded you as you both stood in the middle of the woods in tight embrace.
"It's getting cold out here...what do you say about going inside and make some dinner together?  Let's be happy and enjoy this last night together, because tomorrow you and I are both going to be sad."
Your didn't move a muscle, you were dead in his arms as he reached down and put your legs around his waist.  He started walking towards the cabin and you held him for dear life as he whistled for Toby to come follow you both inside, he came running up and walked on Pelle's left.  He was a little feisty and always was when Pelle picked you up and carried you around, so he was running circles around the two of you and jumping up to get your attentions. Pelle patted your butt as he climbed the stairs and into the kitchen.  Once you were inside, he let you down, took both of your hands and asked,
"You know what I would love for dinner tonight??  Spaghetti!"  He smiled at you and continued, "Do you think we could do that for dinner?"
"I could do that...anything for you babe." You said leaning in for a kiss.
He kissed you and said,
"Let's get started, I'm starving!"
The two of you rolled up your sleeves and started dinner.  Pelle took advantage of your heritage a lot!  Most of the times that you cooked, he always made sure it was Italian, he was always telling you that he loved your cooking.  He went under the cupboards and started taking out the pots and pans that you were going to need to prepare dinner.  You went into the fridge and took out some ground beef for the meat sauce and opened the package of meat and threw it into the pan just as Pelle put it down on the stove, he walked over to the sink with the pot in his hand and turned on the faucet to start filling it with water. He walked back over to the stove and put the pot on the back burner, salted the water and then stood behind you, wrapped his arms around your waist, put his chin on your shoulder and squeezed you tight as he breathed you in deep.  You stopped browning the meat and reached up behind you and put your hand on the back of his head and rubbed the back of his neck.  He moved his lips and put them on the side of your neck and softly kissed it.  You closed your eyes and turned around to face him, he looked into your eyes, bent down to kiss you softly and sweetly on your lips. 
"Let's finish cooking so I can spend the rest of the night with you and Toby." He said.
"Ok.." You replied looking up at him lovingly.
The two of you continued to work on dinner and when it was finally done you got your plates and went into the living room and sat on the couch facing one another and began to eat.  You put your plate down and walked over to the stereo, turned it on and then walked back over to the couch to take your seat next to Pelle. The volume was loud enough so that you could hear it, but not too loud so that you couldn't hear each other speak. Pelle was eating quite well, you on the other hand didn't really have much of an appetite.  Tomorrow was going to be a difficult day, it's not something that was going to be easy for either one of you and it wasn't sitting well with either one of you. As he took a bite of his food, you looked at him and asked,
"Pelle, how are we going to do this?"
"Do what?"
"You're going to be leaving here in about fifteen hours. Is our relationship always going to be like this?"
"Like what?"
"Us...only seeing each other once or twice a year?  I've grown accustomed to being able to see you everyday for the last two and a half months...being able to hug and kiss you whenever I wanted, being able to see your face everyday, waking up next to you or in your arms...I've fallen madly, deeply in love with you and honestly, I don't think I can live without you here with me."
He put his fork down on his plate and placed it on the coffee table, looked at you, moved in closer to you and held you in his arms and said,
"I've thought about this too.  Right now our situation is what it is.  When the time is right, we'll figure it out. Whether I move here or you move to Norway, we are going to be together.  We just need to sit and wait just a little bit longer.  I'm not happy about having to be without you either.  I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, but today is my birthday and I'd rather spend it with you doing fun things and not dwelling on the fact that I won't see you for three and a half months.  I know it's going to be hard, but at least we'll be able to talk to each other everyday."
He put his first knuckle under your chin and raised your face to meet his, leaned in and kissed you softly on your lips. You put your hand on the side of his face and used your thumb to caress his cheek.  He got on one knee and started putting his weight on you which forced you to lay down with him on top of you.  He kissed you deeply and stopped to look into your eyes and he gave you a smile and then continued to kiss you.  He ran his hand along the side of your body and you felt the bottom of your t-shirt move as his hand slowly crept up your torso,  His hands were soft and warm as he cupped your breast and brushed your nipple with his thumb. His kisses became more fervent and he pushed his tongue further into your mouth, you gladly accepted his tongue and reciprocated his deep kiss.  You went up the back of his shirt as your hands caressed the skin of his back.  He pivoted his head as he kissed you and his hand came out from under your shirt.  You felt him raise his body and put his hand between your bodies as he unbuttoned his jeans. He was using one hand to lower them as you reached down to aid him in getting them off.  You felt his boner pop and hit you in the forearm as he got them down. Once he had his jeans off, he sat back on his knees and looked at you with an evil grin, you put your legs straight up in the air and he put both hands on either side of your hips and slowly removed your panties.  He then separated your legs and got between them as he lowered himself onto your body.  He held his stiff cock in his hand as he kissed you.  He rubbed your folds with it and then slowly, he entered you.  You breathed in sharply and he let out a moan.  He began slowly moving his hips with slow and deep strokes, you began to moan slowly and breathing deeply.  He looked down and gazed at you intensely as he continued with the same pace, watching your face contort in pure ecstasy as he penetrated you over and over.  He was making the sweetest love to you.
"I love you" He whispered
"I love you too Pelle."
You pushed him off of you and he sat up.  You got up and straddled him, he held himself at the base as you lowered yourself onto him, you slowly began to ride him.  The two of you maintained eye contact the entire time.  Gently and passionately you both continued to make love until he made you reach your climax.  Once he knew that you came, he shifted his weight onto you and you were on your back again, but this time he had you put your legs over both of his shoulders, his pace began to pick up and his strokes were going deep into your core.  You could feel him poking your cervix and you said,
"Yes!! I'm gonna cum again."
His pace became faster and harder. You began to moan intensely as you came.  He bent down and your knees were now at your ears as he kissed you deep and passionately, he brought his lips away from yours and he moaned loudly as he pushed all of himself into you spilling his seed into you.  He continued to breathe heavily as he kissed your forehead, then cheek and finally you felt his soft sweet lips on yours.  Pelle looked into your eyes and said,
"I love you so much."
"I love you too Pelle."
You lowered your legs and the two of you laid there on the couch kissing while holding one another in post coital bliss.
After about an hour, you got up, put your t-shirt and panties back on.  You looked at him, laying there on the couch and said,
"I have a surprise for you!"
"Oh you do?"
"Mm-hmm, I'll be right back."
You walked into your bedroom and got the little box out from your makeup vanity and brought it out to Pelle and handed it to him saying,
"Please don't think that this is something good."
He sat up and opened it.  He looked at the contents then looked up at your and said,
"Aww babe...why did you do this?"  He held the contents of the box under his nose and asked, "Where did you cut this from?"
You raised that back of your hair and he saw the spot where you cut it from.  You had to make sure that you cut it from an inconspicuous place so he wouldn't notice before you gave it to him.  He sat there on the couch with the lock of braided hair under his nose.
"It smells just like you...I love it!"  His eyes closed as he breathed it in, then looked at you and then said, "this is perfect, now I'll have part of you with me. Thank you."
He got up off the couch and towered over you as he lowered his face to yours and kissed your sweetly.
"I have one more thing for you." 
You walked into the kitchen and he followed you.  You opened the freezer door and pulled out a box from the back and put it on the counter and opened it,  He looked with wide eyes and said,
"Awww." And kissed you on the cheek when he saw the ice cream cake that read, "Happy 22nd Birthday Pelle that you bought for him before taking your trip to Disney. You stuck the candles in it and started to light them.  You began to sing Happy Birthday to him as you lit the last three remaining candles.  He smiled and blew the candles out once you finished singing.
"What did you wish for?"
"Nothing.  I already have everything I want."  He kissed you softly and you blushed.
He pulled you into him and squeezed you tightly and kissed you on the top of your head then he said,
"Come on..let's eat some birthday cake!"
You grabbed  two plates and two forks as Pelle grabbed a knife and began to cut his birthday cake and the two of you went into the living room and sat down next to each other on the couch.  Pelle was enjoying his cake with a smile on his face and it made you happy seeing him smile like that.  You glanced at the clock on the wall and noticed that it was already ten PM, and your internal clock began to countdown frantically, 'only ten more hours until his flight leaves.'  You didn't want to be sad, but part of you was wondering if he was thinking the same way you were and keeping it inside as well.  You thought about what he had said to you earlier about how he'd rather spend his last night with you being happy and memorable instead of being sad.  You tried your hardest to respect his wishes and tried not to think about the time, so you just enjoyed being there with him and seeing his smiling face as he at the birthday cake you bought for him. He looked at you and he had a little bit of ice cream on his lower lip, you leaned in and he met you halfway, you took your right hand and grabbed his face and licked the ice cream off of his lip.  He put his plate down and took yours from your hand and placed it on the coffee table as he stood up. He pulled your arms and pulled you up so you were standing in front of him, he then scooped you up into his arms and continued kissing you as he carried you to the bedroom and laid you on the bed and began to make love to you again.  Before penetrating you, he looked down and said,
"I hope you know, this is how I plan on spending the rest of the night here with you."
You looked up at him and smiled and replied,
"Im looking forward to it."
"You won't be able to walk right after I'm done with you."
"Good!"  You replied and pulled him back down on top of you.
You and Pelle made love all night as the stereo played the five discs that you had in it, until you both fell asleep in each other's arms. 

You both awoke to the sound of your alarm clock going off.  You shut it off and rolled back over to face Pelle, who was wide awake and looking at you.  You put your head on his chest and he put his arm around you and started caressing your back and kissing your forehead.
"Mmm, that feels nice." You said as you kissed his chest and ran a circle around his nipple with your nail. 
He grabbed your hand and moved it down under the covers where he as standing at full attention.  You gave it a little bit of a tug and kissed him on the lips, then down his chest to his stomach and went under the covers and took him into your mouth.  He let out a sigh and lowered the covers so he could watch your mouth pleasure him.  He reached down and wrapped your hair around his hand and took control of your pace and speed.  He moaned the entire time you did that until he couldn't take it anymore and he pulled you up to his lips, kissed you and said,
"Lay down."
You did as he commanded and he got on top of you and without haste entered you.  You winced as you were just a bit sore from the previous nights activities.  You were both pressed for time so he was really going to town on you. His long blonde hair hanging in your face and his piercing blue eyes staring at you as he watched the outcome of what he was doing to you laid out there underneath him.  He felt so good inside of you that you began to moan loudly.  His pace and force become almost violent but it felt so good that you had no problem reaching your peak and just as you were about to come he said,
"I'm about to cum babe."
He pounded you harder as he as about to reach his climax and you said,
"I'm cumming Pelle!!!"
He let out a few aggressive moans and grunts and he came.  He kept fucking you as he came to make sure you were getting it properly.

Once you both cane he collapsed on top of you, turned his head, kissed your cheek and then your soft lips.  He smiled and said,
"I hope that was something that you will remember me by."
You let out a little laugh and said,
"Ummm yeah."
He laughed with you, kissed you once more on your lips then you patted his ass and said,
"You better get in the shower, we have to be at the airport in two hours and I need to feed you before you go."
"OK." He said as he leaned down and kissed your lips once more.
He got up off of you as you watched his naked body walk away from you to take a shower.
You walked over to the laundry room and got the clothes out of the dryer and folded them and brought them into your bedroom to fold and start packing his bag.  He got out of the shower and walked into the bedroom wearing nothing but a towel, his long wet hair draped over his shoulders and his frame was making you insane, he was so damn beautiful, you felt like crying.  He walked over to you, put his arms around your waist and kissed you on the top of your head and he said,
"You didn't have to pack for me."
"I don't mind." 
He kissed you again and dropped his towel and grabbed a pair of his jeans and a t-shirt out of the suitcase and asked,
"Where are my boxers?" 
You reached in the suitcase and got a pair for him.  You didn't want him going in his suitcase too deep as you also took the liberty of packing last nights panties and matching bra in there for him.
"Here you go babe."
"Ahh, thank you!  You take such good care of me."  He smiled as he put them on.
You smiled at what he said and then proclaimed,
"I'm going to go take a shower and get ready."
"Alright babe, I'm gonna go spend some time with Toby before we leave."
"Ok, I think that he'll like it." 
You took a step towards him and kissed him on the lips, grabbed your things and headed towards the bathroom.  You turned and looked at him as he continued to get dressed and thought to yourself, "He's all mine!"
Despite everything that was going on, that thought kept you hopeful and made you happy.

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