Episode 2

381 24 9

~Welcome To The Black Parade You Moron~

Sometime after I finished the can of Max Coffee (energy drink), something my body forced me to do (shit, Max is worst than nicotine-chan)... I was standing outside the front door of an all too familiar two-story house. It was the house of the Hikigaya family: that is to say my new home.

The reason I'm standing here like a suspicious creeper is because that's exactly what I am.

I'm just a stranger here.

A stranger to the person who is waiting for her onii-chan on the other side of that door. Waiting for an onii-chan who'll never show up. All she'll come to greet is a pretender, a fake just like the rest of this fucking anime world. What's worse is that she will know... She was the person closest to Hikigaya Hachiman after all. Hikigaya Komachi, the person who I am to call little sister, she will know. How can I face her Haruhi Suzumiya-sama? What can say to her when she will know I'm not her real onii-chan?


Achievement unlocked: Clinging To One's God


Fuck my life... make it stop.


'Do or do not, there is no try...' Yeah thanks Kyon.

I unlock the door and step inside.

"Welcome home onii-chan~!"

I stand there frozen at the entrance as Komachi comes down the hall to greet me, her ahoge bobbing as she walks.

Looking at her I can only say she's the cutest in the world.

"Ah-yeah, I'm home K-Komachi." The non-expression on my face is becoming so permanent that I may as well take Poker Face off the hundred and eight skills. I really need to look into those...

Komachi cocked her head slightly in confusion then begins to frown.

"Are you ok onii-chan?" Her tone now lacked its usual liveliness.

I could lie to her, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Komachi's sharp instinct would catch me anyway. Also, the thought that I may become something like Haruno is fucking terrifying.

"No. Your onii-chan just had a very bad day, the worst probably... I don't think your onii-chan will ever be the same. However, even if your onii-chan has changed you'll always remain the cutest in the world."

I reach out my hand, hesitating for just a moment before patting her on the head.

That moment was all it took. The force was with her.

"O-onii-chan..." Her voice was unbearably sad.

I didn't need the force to tell me that this would be the last time she'd ever call me onii-chan... Hikigaya Komachi knew that we were strangers. Her instinct is as sharp as ever. I'm sure Hachiman would be happy that his sister found out that I wasn't him in less than a minute, siscon idiot that he was.

Just how many more must I bring to fucking Malachor?

"I'm just going to wash up before dinner. We can talk about what happened if you want to, at anytime... I don't think I'll be able to explain it very well or if I even should, but out everyone in this world, you deserve to know what happened to your onii-chan. Just know that I will always be there for you Komachi-chan."

My voice was flat, formal, and I'd like to think a bit warm.

"...Ok onii-san."

--[Line Break]--

My Reincarnated Life Is Wrong, Source: MeWhere stories live. Discover now