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~Side Mission Shizuka~

I fled from the nurse's office with tears in my eyes. What that brat just said couldn't be right. The lab coat was totally cool, right? I-it doesn't make me look like a sad Chuunibyou does it?

He was very insistent that I would look good in a black blazer. There was one still in my closet, maybe I should wear it... Not because of what he said or anything, it's just maybe a change would be nice... Yeah... and dressing a bit more professionally would help get the Vice Principal off my ass too. It's definitely not because of how badly Hikigaya's words hurt... Nope, not at all...

I reached the parking lot and I decided to have a cigarette before taking my beloved steed for a drive. I really needed to try and clear my head.

For a while now Hikigaya Hachiman has been on my mind, and like that American pop song from a decade or so back, I just can't him out my head. Damn, it really was more than I dared to think about.

Oh god, the way he said something so utterly ridiculous like it was nothing!


In all honesty, I did feel it was a bit creepy when he said that with a complete lack of expression. But NO ONE has ever said that to me! Somehow, I could tell that he was serious, and that was definitely not wishful thinking...

I know that it's wrong, but I can admit if only to myself, that hearing him say that made me so happy damn it... Hell, it made me so happy that I couldn't just reject him out of hand, no matter how absurd it actually was. He's only sixteen and I'm over twenty— No! I'm STILL young after all! He said I was using age as an excuse, and maybe I was, but it was still wrong, even worse is the fact that I'm his teacher of all things.

Geez! How could I even imagine him as my husband for a moment, and so realistically too?!


Okay, so it's technically legal that we could get married, and he was very confident that he could get his parents to approve...

Even so, what would they say— no, what would HE say, when he found out how much debt I'm in? He already said he didn't trust me to look after myself and that was so humiliating. He'll probably just make fun of me, and then he'll leave...

Damn it! When they find out about my debt, they always leave! But I never sell my beloved steed! Why can't they understand how important that car is to me?!

However, what really scares me is that he may not care at all, and just jump into debt with me... Just like when he jumped out that window in front of me. There is no doubt that he really is reckless in the extreme.

Maybe I should just marry him...

God, I really have gone crazy, haven't I?

Hell, none of that was even the REAL problem here...

I put my used cigarette in my portable ashtray. I light another one up and begin to pace.

No, the real problem I'm facing here is if, IF I married him...


That person is NOT Hikigaya Hachiman damn it!

I really must be going crazy, but my intuition as a woman, teacher, and even guidance counselor are screaming at me that HE is not Hikigaya Hachiman.

I noticed something was off about him ever since I called him in for that death threat of an essay, he was so spacey, almost like he was lost, and he barely showed any expressions at all. Oh God, the next day he was even worse, those incredibly inappropriate remarks in the hallway, his complete lack of expression when he said we could get married, and then there was what happened in the consultation office...

My Reincarnated Life Is Wrong, Source: MeWhere stories live. Discover now