Episode 5

236 18 1

~Even So My Everyday World Was Still Wrong~

The late afternoon light begins to cast shadows into the 'unused' music room making this more dramatic than it has any right to be...fucking anime world. Seriously, all I'm doing right now is just sitting here like a complete dumbass as I stare at Yuigahama who's softly crying while leaving me at a total loss. The dramatic lighting is really unnecessary and is just making the whole situation that much more annoying.

Well shit... I mean really Specialist, why couldn't you just wait until Monday to confront me on this? All I wanted was to head into the weekend so I could try to settle into my everyday world you knooooow~.

Looks like I'll be hanging out with nicotine-chan today after all... Before I can let out a sigh or Hiki-Persona 8 fails because of a girl's tears, I activate the skill Thought Acceleration to buy myself some time to think.

The first thing I should do is turn Hiki-Persona 8 off. The last thing I want right now is for Yuigahama to truly face the real me. I can only imagine the disaster that would be for her. But just how the fuck should I handle this situation? This happened way sooner than I thought it would honestly.

Trying to ignore her is the first thing that comes to mind, but that didn't work so well with the Corporal... Plus I don't think I can be that cruel to a nice girl like her.

Well since just ignoring Yuigahama is out, do I just lie to her Haruhi? No, that won't work in this case. Looking back on 8man's memories of his first year, Yuigahama has always been in his shadow, trying to work up the courage to talk to him. Holy shit you're just like a stalker Specialist, and this idiot was too dense to notice.

Damn it Haruhi this is why I hate nice girls they're so annoying. With this 8man and I can agree...


It seems I don't really have a choice... Welcome to fuckin Malachor Specialist.

As my Thought Acceleration comes to an end Yuigahama wipes the tears from her eyes with her sleeve.

"W-what am I say'n? That's crazy... I mean, like of course you're Hikki... But how—?"

Turning Hiki-Persona 8 off just in time, the weight of ten traumatic years of living as an adult more or less in society falls on me.


'Let me go~' Oh, looks like distraction-chan is with me on what I'm about to say to her. Ha! Take that Kyon!

'I don't wanna be your hero~,'

"I'M not the one who saved your dog that day..."

'I don't wanna be your big man~, I just wanna fight with everyone else~'

Yuigahama looked up at me with tear-laden eyes full of shock, as if she were seeing me as a stranger for the first time.

I must look like a washed-out salaryman right now. The fact that my face is haft in shadow as I said that, is annoying. I stand up from the piano and grab my school bag.

'Your masquerade~,'

"That person really isn't ME, He's gone Yuigahama."

'I don't wanna be a part of your parade~'

Yuigahama shakes her head in fierce denial then looks down at the floor with tears still falling. That these shadows in the room make me feel and look like a phantom as walk towards her is so damn annoying...fucking anime world.

My Reincarnated Life Is Wrong, Source: MeWhere stories live. Discover now