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chapter 11, act 1:

     IT SEEMS THAT THE WORRIES surrounding Evangeline lately made her forget about the problem in front of her. Namely, her O.W.L.S. And with that, Evangeline juxtaposes the public image of herself to a blending wallflower, switching to a monotonous routine of wake up-eat-attend class-eat-study-shower-sleep. Yes, she took her studies very seriously. Yes, it was more important to her than socializing.

    With that—the buzz of people talking in the great hall turned deaf as she read her books in the dinner table. The only thing grounding her to the present being the calloused hands of Theodore clasping her hand as he ate with his left hand, despite not being left-handed. An asphodel root to be put in when the potion turns purple, turned clockwise thrice—

    "—geline," heat up the fire to 130 degrees and wait patiently for—

    "Evangeline," snapped Blaise with an eye roll.

    She looked up, meeting Blaise's dark eyes, "Huh?"

    "Eat. Food's getting cold."

    She frowned, "Oh, okay."

    Closing the book, she ate her food in silence while watching Blaise and Theodore converse once more for the millionth time about quidditch. Evie has absolutely no clue on that sport, finding the whole thing quite brutal. She suppose that when boys find things interesting, however, that they could never get bored of it.

    Except for women, as Cormac Mclaggen seems to enjoy love bombing them and then switching to another each month hahaha. ( the heiress scrunches her face in disgust on that harlot. )

    Anyways. Blaise was talking of trying out for chaser next year because he missed this year's tryouts due to the fact that he woke up just in time for it if he ran to the field, but this 6 foot something diva refused to step out of his room if he didn't finish up his 10 step skincare routine. It was ridiculous, by the way—and he made Theodore do it too. I mean, I guess that's why both boys had very glassy skin now... ( Evangeline's skincare routine is like..4 steps only )

    This conversation continued on even as they finished off dinner and went down to their chambers, Theodore giving her a sweet cheek-kiss before they departed, which made Blaise gag as if they both didn't catch him snogging women left and right a bunch of times this year alone.

    She went up her dorm room to see every one of the girls not there yet. Confused, she then remembered they decided to go to a ravenclaw party tonight. Good for her, since she can hog up the bathroom and do an everything shower.

    All in all, today was a monotonous yet amazing day for Evangeline. That was, of course, until a hand shook her shoulders in the middle of the night.

    She almost let out a scream to alert her now crashed-out dorm mates if it weren't for the fact that a hand clamped her mouth shut. She blinked up to see..professor Sprout...?

    She had a bad feeling about this, but understood that this matter could not be brought in the room, so she followed her not-head of house out of the common room.

    "Professor, what's the matter?" She asked when they left the common room.

    "Dumbledore asked me to come fetch you, we've got a problem."

    Understanding that this was a problem related to the Order, she silently followed with rushed paces until she went up into his office. She didn't know what she expected, but it certainly weren't the whole Weasley civilization and Potter crammed up in Dumbledore's office. Even more that they looked absolutely wrecked and depressed. It was truly unnatural for her to see the twins without a smile on their faces.

    "What's the matter with you all?" She asks, confused.

    At the same time, Fred asked Dumbledore shakily, "How're we going? Floo powder?"

    Um. Rude?

    There was a grave pause before Dumbledore answered her, "Harry's had a dream where he was Voldemort's snake. I called you here because you may know what it is and explain it to him."

    Then, he addressed Fred's question.

"No," said Dumbledore, "Floo powder is not safe at the moment, the Network is being watched. You will be taking a Portkey." He indicated the old kettle lying innocently on his desk. "We are just waiting for Phineas Nigellus to report back... I wish to be sure that the coast is clear before sending you—"
There was a flash of flame in the very middle of the office, leaving behind a single golden feather that floated gently to the floor.

"It is Fawkes's warning," said Dumbledore, catching the feather as it fell. "She must know you're out of your beds. ... Minerva, go and head her off — tell her any story —"

Professor McGonagall was gone in a swish of tartan.

"He says he'll be delighted," said a bored voice behind Dumble-dore; the wizard called Phineas had reappeared in front of his Slytherin banner. "My great-great-grandson has always had odd taste in houseguests..."

"Come here, then," Dumbledore said to Harry, Evangeline and the Weasleys, "And quickly, before anyone else joins us ..."

Harry and the others gathered around Dumbledore's desk, but Evie was confused.

"Wait, what have I got to do with this? I have to join them?"

"Yes, Miss Black, you are more knowledgeable in this particular area than I may be, so you can explain to Harry what may be going on clearer."

What bullshit.

"What about my things—and my friends. It'll be weird if I suddenly—"

"All will be handled, I will tell them that Kingsley requested your presence early on for that regulations of market practice meeting earlier on due to...hm, let's say, unforeseen circumstances."

Evangeline's lips shut in a thin line, but said no further as she obediently got closer to the rest.

    "You have all used a Portkey before?" asked Dumbledore, and they nodded, each reaching out to touch some part of the blackened kettle.

    "Good. On the count of three then ... one ... two..."

    Evie reached for the handle of the portkey, shutting her eyes tightly.


    And there they left.


i'm back fr this time haha...

also i'm changing up the aesthetics
(banners n fonts) soon because I lost
the previous pictures in my old device.

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