Where Are You??

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The title article of Kwang Soo and Yuri's breakup was on the Hot Spot in the internet. Jong Kook was the first to find out that Kwang Soo's break up incident. This sudden news would have blow through the worldwide like the hottest Santa Ana wind.

He couldn't believe that Yuri had mentioned in public that she's no longer in a relationship. It took months for Kwang Soo to confess his love towards her ever since her last appearance in Running Man. There was once where Jong Kook could recalled how cheerful Kwang Soo was when she accepted him after he confessed his love. The time when he blushed when he sees Yuri really captured in his mind.

He gets his mobile from his pocket pants and started to call Kwang Soo, wanting him to explained about this unexpected news.

"Ya-Kwang Soo... Come on!! Pick up my call!!" He mumbled to himself while waiting for his dongseang to pick up the call. Trying to reach for it several times, but his call goes into his voice mail.

This was the first time where Kwang Soo never pick his hyung's call. It worried Jong Kook so much that he decided to give a call to Suk Jin hyung this time. He quickly punched Suk Jin's contact number to spreaded out about the sudden news.

He let out a relief for being thankfully as Suk Jin hyung answered the call. The hectic background from Suk Jin hyung's phone really hurt his eardrum really bad. He must be taking his sweet time walking around the street while searching for supper after working.

"Aah... Kim Jong Kook. What bring you to call me that late? It's past midnight now." Suk Jin asked with curiosity. For all these time, Jong Kook never gives a call to Suk Jin especially during late night.

"Hyung.. Did you see the news on the internet??? It's about Kwang Soo." Jong Kook asked while scrolling the article upwards to read the content once again. Making sure that he doesn't read it wrongly.

"Well no.. I'm currently busy with my schedule. I didn't get to check any news these few days. What's wrong with Kwang Soo?" Listening to Jong Kook's words caused Suk Jin to be more curious. He stopped by at the corner and waited patiently for Jong Kook to answer his question.

Feeling foolish for not telling Suk Jin straight to the point, he smacked his head and informed Suk Jin about the news.

"Kwang Soo.... He broke up with Yuri!!!!"

"Wait what?? Broke up?! No wait!! That's impossible!!!!" Suk Jin asked with a high pitch.

Jae Suk who was spending his time right next to Suk Jin jumped after hearing the word 'broke up'. All of the Runner members knew that Kwang Soo was the only one who's having relationship for almost 3 years. The remaining single runners were left with Ji Hyo and Gary. Jae Suk then tapped Suk Jin's shoulder and asked him to pass the phone to him.

"Ya Jong Kook! What do you mean by that? Did Kwang Soo broke up with Yuri?!" Jae Suk asked Jong Kook for a clearer explanation about Kwang Soo. He seemed to forgot to introduce himself as Jae Suk instead of Suk Jin.

Feeling puzzled of hearing Jae Suk hyung voice, Jong Kook checked on his phone screen displayed. Indeed it was Suk Jin hyung's contact number. He held the phone an inch away from his ear and continue the conversation.

"Yea hyung. It's spread widely on the internet. Yuri even confess that she's no longer in relationship." "She wouldn't lie to the media just to get some attention with this topic." Jong Kook keep his tone a little lower, not wanting to wake his parents up about this matter.

"Your right about that. What about the rest? Did they know about this as well?"

"I'm not sure about it hyung. This news are already on the Hot Spot since the past two days. I will try ask the rest." "But hyung... I tried to reach Kwang Soo a few times and he still didn't pick up my call. I'm really worry about him."

"He's probably just landed Seoul. He told me that he will be in Busan for his filming. Just calm down, Kookie. I will inform to the others about it." Jae Suk said while trying to calm the Sparta guy from being worry about Kwang Soo.

"Arasso hyung... Don't stay up that late. Get some rest. We need some energy to film for Running Man later on." Feeling irritated with the big mouth of Jong Kook. Jae Suk began to teased him. "Yes, kookie.. God!! You sounds like my mom right now.What should I call you?? Omeoni??"

"YA HYUNG!!! Stop calling me that! It's giving me chills.. I'm off to bed now. See you later hyung." He warned Jae Suk for calling him Kookie instead of his actual name.

"Yes..yes.. Kookie. Have a good sleep. Need me to give you a blow kiss before go to bed?" He teased their broad man again, causing Jong Kook to have goosebumps in him.

Suk Jin's chuckle was clearly to be heard although the background were killing Jong Kook's eardrum badly. "Ya Jae Suk!! Cut that out man! Your scaring Jong Kook later on." Pleading Jae Suk to stop teasing Jong Kook in the middle of the night.

"Hyung.. I'm not a gay you know. Go give your kiss to your wife. I'm out of here." He let out a relief as he gets his chance to end the call. Talking with Jae Suk really makes Jong Kook of strangling him sometimes. But still, he's a hyung that Jong Kook can relay on, especially about his problems.

He scroll over and over again just to read back the article. It gives him a slight headache that he have to give himself a message on his temple. No matter how many times Jong Kook tried to reach his dongseang, his calls are entered into the voice mail. Somehow Jong Kook just wish that he will just pick his call and said a word like 'hi' or a 'bye'.

Anyway, he was glad enough that Kwang Soo will be around later on in the morning. They will be filming Running Man at 4am later. He stare at his blue alarm clock that his mom bought for his 10th birthday. It's really an old present, which makes him really appreciate it. There was only 3 hours for Jong Kook to have a nap before the shooting starts.

Just a minute, he heard a familiar footstep coming from a nearby room. It's his mom who was in her sleeping clothes started to let a yawn and approach to the muscular son.

"It's getting late, little boy. What are you reading now??" She asked while wrapping her arms around him with caring and love. Her sight caught on the laptop screen, reading the article written in it. He really love his mom so much that he let her cuddle her beloved son for a moment.

"Owh... It's about Kwang Soo. He broke up with Yuri few days back."

"Really?? They both looks cute together. That's a waste." His mom felt sorry for Kwang Soo. She knew that it must be hard for him to face this situation after being loved for almost three years. "But shouldn't you be on bed by now? Unless you want me to make some breakfast for you." She asked, trying to change the topic to talk with his son.

"Theres no need, eoma. I'm going to bed right now. You too should get back to bed now." Jong Kook then gave her a kiss on her cheek before sending her back into her room.

"Alright then. Have a goodnight sleep. Wake me up if you need anything ok? Love you." As she closes her room door slowly, he waved her goodbye with a charming smile shown on the face.

After she went back to sleep in her room, Jong Kook walked back to the table and decided to shut down his laptop. Pressed the off button and slowly headed into his room. He let out a breath and somehow started jump into his cozy bed like a little child.

He couldn't get rid of the sudden news. Kwang Soo must have been so heartbroken with this matter. Without noticing, he slap himself hardly with his huge palm and started to counted sheep till he dozed off.

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