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"Any updates from our Mong Ji??" Gary was the first to spoken out during the gathering in Jae Suk's house. The others shook their head with a gloomy expression, except for Jae Suk.

"She called me before.. Once." Jae Suk explained while served the drinks for his guests.

"Seriously?? How did-?" Haha went speechless. They were putting hopes that at least theres an latest update going on in Finland.

Jae Suk shrugged. "No idea... During the night when I was asleep, I received an international call. It was Miss Mong who called me." He paused, looking at the others. All of the attention were caught on Jae Suk. He breathe in and added again. "And I too spoke with Kwang Soo." He smiled, so were the others. The men finally let out an applause. Cheering happily and hugged one another as if they had won the top rank in the Asian World Cup.

"When will they be back? Here I meant..." Jong Kook questioned this time. He couldn't wait to meet them both.

Jae Suk gazed on his left, checking the clock hung on the wall. "Today... They should be on plane now..."

Gary raised his brows, curios on why Jae Suk revealed out the news at the last minute. "And now you only tell us that they are coming back??"

"Erm.. Surprise??" Jae Suk sniggered while scratching his head.

"What about Kwang Soo's manager?" Suk Jin joined into the conversation then.

"I had informed him about their flight. He will be joining us later."

They frowned their brows and ask simultaneously. "What you meant by later??" They couldn't get what Jae Suk meant.

"Since we are celebrities, we can't pick them up from the airport. There will be reporters waiting for their arrival as well." Jae Suk explained after taking a few sip of his drinks. They nodded and waited for a further explanation.

"So your saying-??" The peaceful Gary asked. He still couldn't get on what Jae Suk meant earlier.

"We wait for them... At somewhere where we have privacy.."

"Like Gary's restaurant?" Suk Jin thrown an uncertain answer to Jae Suk while rubbing his chin with his palm.

Jae Suk pointed out his finger at his hyung, with a wink for the good answer. "Exactly..."

"But.. Why my restaurant?" Gary stand out once more. It's been all the time they gathered at his place instead of Haha's.

They sighed, and all men started to voice out at the same time. "Because it's the nearest place we can meet up."

"Argh!! Stress~" Gary pouted and revealed out his expression, still he agreed with the the suggestion made. "So who's going to pick them up?"

"Eun Seo will.. Gi Tae couldn't make it since he was away from Seoul." Jae Suk informed them. Eun Seo was Ji Hyo's permanent makeup stylist while Gi Tae's her manager.

Jong Kook wasn't sure of the decision of asking a lady to drive, especially during late hours. "Don't you think it's dangerous for her to get to their airport and lift them a ride? She need a break as well."

"Well she told me that she's not going to sleep till she met Ji Hyo."

Jong Kook had no choice but only accept the fact that Eun Seo will be the driver. He let out a breath and asked again. "Fine then.. Venue was selected. Driver too... And timing ??"

"During midnight... Cool??" The rest finally nodded as they agree and they left the house one by one, to proceed with their work.


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