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I woke up with a horrible headache, I panicked as last night events flashed through my memories that was when i noticed i was not alone in fact I was surrounded by helpless and scrawny young girls.

"You're awake" I heard a girl whisper to me, she has blue ocean eyes and long blonde hair reaching her shoulder,she looks too inhumanly pale.

"Where are we and who are you" I asked afraid.

"I'm Sophie, we're kidnapped by vampires" she answered nonchalantly gazing at me with empty eyes.

"Why" I answered holding back a sob.

"I've been here for a month as far as i know we're been sold as slaves.... and there are many types of slaves here" she answered weakly.

Before I could ask another question the door opened and a very bulky looking man entered and picked a girl dragging her out.

"You psycho, leave us alone!!!!!" a girl shouted at him.

He dropped the girl he was dragging and removed a whip decorated with nails and other sharp objects and started whipping her harshly, her screams echoes throughout the room.
I watched in horror as he picked her and sinked his fangs into her neck draining every single drop of blood she had in her dropping her body and went over to the other girl dragging her out.

"That's what happens to the girls that stand up to those monsters". Sophie said staring at the dead body.

I curled into a corner and sobbed wanting to go back home, Sophie embraced me comforting me as i cried my heart out.

"Had I knew i would have never gone for a walk, I just wish all of this is a nightmare, I want to go home" I sobbed.

"I've also wished for that ever since I came here, I'm sorry to say I'm kinda losing hope of ever escaping And going back home any time a girl tries to escape they ended up slaughtering her" Sophie said while comforting me.

"Is it only girls they kidnap " I asked looking around the room.

"No, boys have their own separate room". She replied.

"I'm scared " I said with fear in my eyes "Imagine what that vampire just did to that girl the way he..."

"It's okay, get some sleep " she cuts me off .

"I don't think i will be able to " I muttered.

"Just try" she said laying down.

I cried myself to sleep thinking of how worried my family will be, I miss Carly, I miss max ,my mom and my dad.

I fell asleep thinking of what was awaiting me the next day.

I hope you guys like this chapter
Also please don't forget to vote, comment and like.

Lots of love 😍😍😘💖
Lee ❣❣

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