It wouldnt move

412 6 2

Tw: blood, cursing.

I'm going to take you back in time a year before when Bruce and Vance met.

Underlined text = thinking


I was walking out of class in a hurry, it was the end of the day and I couldn't wait to get out of this hell hole. I make it to the main exit at the front of the school and I hear screaming. Rushing over towards the noise I start to notice it's a fight. I push threw the circle to see a bewildering sight, something no one thought they would ever see.
Bruce is on top of someone just completely wailing on them. Bruce had a bloody nose and a busted lip but the other boy had it much worse. I was in complete shock Bruce , the goody two shoes, was beating the shit out of someone. Finally he got off of the kid and pushed his way threw the crowd. I chased after him. " hey! What the hell was that?!" I shouted running up to him. " oh uh, you know he said something about someone and I told him to back of, he swung and so I rocked his shit." He said with a small chuckle. God Bruce was attractive. " oh yeah I totally get it, but who were they talking about?" I asked. He just closed his eyes, shook his head and laughed. " they were talking about you." " what?" " yeah you know the whole " oh he's such an asshole blah blah blah" it was annoying." He said flatly " yeah? But is true I am." " I don't think so, I think you just have a rough time with your self." He explained warmly. "Yeah? Maybe your right." Maybe he can fix me.


It was the end of school and I was talking to some random people when suddenly I hear someone talking shit about Vance Hopper. " yeah he's so annoying, thinks he's better than everybody, I bet he's a f@g." That word, I hate that word. " so what if he is? What can't people just be happy?" I say sternly kinda getting in his face. " because it's wrong. What are you Bruce a fairy? Are you one of them?!" He said taking a step closer to me. " shut the fuck up." I say pushing him back. This made him mad and he swung at me, it wasn't a good hit in the slightest but he got me in the nose and lip. This just pushed me over the edge, I don't know why people think I'm just this weak little kid that can't help himself , but I'm not. Next thing I know I have this kid on the ground pounding his face in. Once I fully gain my senses back I quickly get off of his and push through the crowd. Who tf would talk about Vance like that I don't think he's a bad guy and he is extremely pretty. I hear a shout behind me and it's the guy I was just previously defending. He starts to walk with me and start a conversation before asking who I got into a fight over. I explain what happened just as we were approaching my home. " this is my stop!" I say enthusiastically. Then he hugs me. He hugs me?! " thank you for you know, not judging me without knowing me?" He said happily. " of course!" I say as I walk through my front door and head to my room to sleep.

Word count: 580

A/N I'm probably going to focus on brance the most. And sorry for the late update it got pretty busy. I hope you enjoyed!!

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