Tried to see through all the smoke and dirt

536 10 6

Tw:  mentions of blood, language

Finney, robin, and Vance had math together and that mostly consisted of Vance and Robin stealing Finney's paper to get the answers. The bell rung to signify that that class was over. They made their way over to the cafeteria laughing and shit. They walked into the cafeteria earning some strange looks from the rest of Vance and Robin's friends. They all take a seat at the table and begin to introduce Finney.

R: this is Finney Blake my new friend.
V: my old friend.

Bruce is the first to introduce himself, he swiftly sticks his hand out to Finney to shake.

B: Hello! I'm Bruce Yamada, it's very nice to meet you Finney Blake!
F: like wise!

After the rest of the boys begin with their greetings.

G: hey there, I'm Griffin stagg!!
B: hi! I'm Billy Showalter! I'm the towns paper boy!!
F: it's a pleasure to meet the 3 of you! :)

Robin and Vance were proud to say that it went well. But now Vance was curious.

V: So Finney why did you move all the way out here?
F: well I got into a pretty big fight at school, hurt someone pretty bad. My dad was not happy about this and hurt me, and the lost custody of me and Gwen.
V: woah woah woah. Hold on, you, Finney Blake got into a fight. And hurt someone.
F: yeah well after you left I was getting beat to a bloody pulp everyday. I had to learn to stick up for myself.
V: good for you man!

The rest of lunch was spent getting to know each other. Finney learned that Bruce also played baseball, and that billy played the drums. The other boys were shocked to learn that Finney did boxing for 2 years and played the guitar. Robin thought this was extremely attractive.
Finney learned that Robin plays bass and Vance is obsessed with pinball and " has the voice of an angel" according to griffin, who loved art and animals. With this new information their bond only grew stronger. Finney had a feeling that this friend group would grow strong and stay like that for a very long time. Bruce took notice on how Robin was paying the most attention to Finney and how he would look at his lips every so often. Bruce new about Robin's feelings months before Robin did. But just the same for Robin he noticed how Bruce looked at Vance with loving eyes. He knew what was going on. He knew about their "secret" relationship that no one was supposed to know about, not even him. Lunch has come to an end but the chaos of this group has only just begun!!

Word count: 459

A/N please tell me what you think of this so far!!

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