Into my hand but now i cant

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Slanted text= thinking/ dream

I have been hanging around Vance for about a month now and I have been noticing more and more about him, like the way he is grumpy in the mornings, or if you make him smile his nose scrunches up. There is one thing I have known from the start though and I know this for sure, Vance Hopper does not need to be "fixed". People think something is wrong with him but really he is just scared, so now he has a shell. My mind continues to wonder before I hear a light tapping at my window. It's about 1:30am so I assume it's a branch and brush it off, but it continues. After a minute or two I finally decided to check it out, I walk over to my window, open it up, and look down to see a mess of blond curls. "What are you doing here at this time vance?" I ask him. He just smiles at me a gestures for me to come down. I quickly get dressed and climb out my window. "What do you want?" He looks at me and says " I had a nightmare about you and I wanted to make sure you where okay." I laugh slightly " yes I'm okay silly, is that all?" He just nodded and grabbed my hand to drag me off somewhere. After a while of walking we end up at some old train tracks. "Why did you bring me here Vance?" He looks over at me and says " I just don't want to be alone tonight, I don't think I can take that right now.." I give him a worried look but don't press anymore. He sits and pulls me down with him. He just holds me. Not in a restricting way but the way a mother would hold their kid in a loving way. After a few minutes I hear him softly start to cry, I didn't know what to do so I push him to lay down and cuddle up next to him in hopes of comforting him. I think it worked because eventually he fell asleep and his steady heart beat lulled me to sleep alongside him. Though we slept on the cold ground I think that was the best nights sleep I have ever had.


There he is tied to a chair just like I am we are both gagged so we can make any noise. I hear a noise and quickly look over to see a man walk in the room holding an axe. He walks over to Bruce a goes to swing at his head.

I wake up. I'm crying really hard trying to process  the fact that that didn't really happen. I look over 1:10am. Oh my god. I quickly get dressed and basically sprint out of the house. I am full speed running to Bruce's house. I just want to know for sure that he is okay. I arrive and locate his window. I pick but and hand full of small stones and start throwing them. After a while he finally opens the window, I feel a wave of relief wash over me as I see his beautiful face. I feel like I'm going to cry. I am able to get him to come down pretty easily. Oh boy do I want to hug him so bad. I don't remember much other than the fact that we ended up at the train tracks, I'm holding him and crying. The rest is a blur.

Word count: 595

A/N: a little bit of sad fluff for the soul. Vance have attachment issues if you can't tell. Please let me know how you feel about this story. Kind criticism is greatly appreciated. :)

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