iii. right where you left me

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right where you left me;❛ DEATH TO JULIET ❜❝ you haven't changed one bit ❞

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right where you left me;
❝ you haven't changed one bit ❞


"What's the date?" Five demanded while pacing around the kitchen. "The exact date."

Rebecca could honestly not believe her eyes. The brunette boy was wearing a suit that was clearly way too big for him and he looked different yet exactly the same. Somehow, he was still the same age but his expression and the way he carried himself were very different. He was always serious and closed off but there was also always a glint of mischief and arrogance in his eyes. That look was long gone.

"The twenty-fourth." Annabeth answered curtly, her confused expression mirroring everyone else's.

Five hugged and placed a bag onto the table. "Of what?"


"Good." The boy hummed while nodding to himself. Rebecca squinted at him, annoyed at how casual he was being about the entire situation.

The Hargreeves and Blackwells only saw each other at weddings and funerals and when they did, nothing but chaos occurred.

"So, are we gonna talk about what just happened?" Luther broke the heavy silence in the kitchen. His question went ignored by his little brother who just kept making his sandwich while trying to ignore Rebecca's stare burning through his skull. Luther stood up and glared down at him. "It's been seventeen years."

Five scoffed and walked closer to him so they were almost chest to chest (well, chest to stomach). "It's been a lot longer than that."

A blue light flickered in front of him and he teleported to the other side of the kitchen. Luther's eye twitched. "I haven't missed that."

"Where the fuck were you, Five?"

Rebecca's sharp voice cut through the air like a knife. Sharon's eyebrows shot up at her anger and Landon winced at the hurt hidden behind it.

The banshee glared at the back of Five's head, his name leaving a bitter feeling in her mouth. She heard the way his heart sped up at her speaking up and tried her hardest not to soften at the fact that a part of him still cared. Despite how long they were apart.

"The future." He said in a monotone voice and teleported back to his sandwich. "It's shit, by the way."

"Called it!" Klaus exclaimed.

Five shook his head and opened the fridge. "I should've listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing and jumping through time is a toss of the dice." He finally looked up to meet Rebecca's eyes that never left him since he showed up. His eyes scanned her figure. "You're still a teenager."

"Hardly." Her glare never faltered. "I'm older than I look."

A ghost of a smirk appeared on his lips. "Ditto." He chuckled to himself. "You haven't changed one bit."

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