iv. never really over

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never really over; ❛ DEATH TO JULIET ❜❝ vampires live forever ❞

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never really over; ❛ DEATH TO JULIET ❜
❝ vampires live forever ❞


Rebecca did not want to watch it all happen again. She did not want to watch everyone pack their bags from her stool in the kitchen with the knowledge that everyone was leaving her yet again. So, she wandered off to her favorite diner, Griddy's Doughnuts, near the house while everyone else packed and said their goodbyes.

Landon promised her that he would not be leaving until the following day. But, quite frankly, she felt like he stayed in touch with her out of pity.

Rebecca sipped her hot chocolate, sitting in her usual booth with her head stuck in a book. She usually went to the diner at night, when she couldn't sleep. It was nearby, had good food and drinks, it was peaceful, and was open twenty-four hours. What more could a girl want?

The doors opened behind her but she paid no mind. She heard someone sitting at the bar and was about to turn the next page of her book when the person behind her rang the bell three times in a row. Rebecca narrowed her eyes and turned around to see Five looking around the diner impatiently.

A barely audible sigh escaped her lips and she quickly turned around so he would not notice her. She had no luck.

Why couldn't he just go back into the future and leave her alone? Where would he even go? He would probably stay at The Umbrella Academy and bother her for the rest of her miserable life.

She heard another man sitting next to Five just as the waitress approached him.

"Sorry, the sink was clogged." The old woman let out a chuckle. "So, what will it be?"

The old man ordered. "Uh, give me a chocolate éclair."

"Can I get the kid a glass of milk or something?"

Rebecca muffled her laugh with a cough.

"The kid wants coffee. Black."

The waitress let out a nervous chuckle. "Cute kid."

"I don't remember this place being such a shithole." Five grumbled and looked around with a heavy frown on his face. "I used to come here as a kid. Used to sneak out with my siblings and our... friends. We ate doughnuts until we puked. My ex and I used to come here, too. We had our first date here. Simpler times, huh?"

Rebecca scrunched her face up. It was not a date. They were barely even friends and he had just caught her sneaking out at two in the morning so he followed her. Plus, she was not his ex. They were never official. She could not believe he even had the audacity to call her that after he left her for seventeen years with no goodbye.

She drowned out the rest of their conversation until she heard a couple more people enter the diner. She looked over her shoulder to see four armed men surrounding Five and holding him at gunpoint.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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