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four months later...

Andri 🌻
Alternative music festival at the fair grounds this and me?

Maia the Bee 🐝

Andri 🌻
Website says undetermined and the ticket prices are insane :')

Maia the Bee 🐝
Aren't they always lol
I'll take care of the tickets
Just lmk when a date is posted

Andri 🌻
You're so sweet I think I'm in love with you 🤞
Are you hungry btw, I made lunch?

Maia the Bee 🐝
Stop declaring your love for me before I actually believe you 😒
But yes I'm extremely hungry, still at work though.

Andri 🌻
Omg women in stem
Just for being such an inspiration I'll drop some off for you

Maia the Bee 🐝
Girl be serious.
I'll tell my boss you're otw though.

Andri 🌻
Of course you will.
Are you wearing a suit today 😁

Maia the Bee 🐝
Why are you asking Andrique...
If you say something outlandish about women in suits turning you on I'm going to block you again.

Andri 🌻
Bruh damn, it's not even like that.
I just think my bestie looks good in a suit..

Maia the Bee 🐝

Andri 🌻
You're so mean :')
But I'm about to head out, I'll talk to you when I get there.

Maia the Bee 🐝
Alright lol

Ja'Maia smiled at her phone before sliding it back into her desk and getting up to tell her boss she was expecting a guest. Her boss, Dr. Greene, was pretty lenient about stuff of that nature as long as the work she requested got done. Seeing as Ja'Maia was never one to fall behind with her projects and had actually finished her work for the week- she doubted Dr. Greene would have a problem with her eating lunch with Andrique.

After asking she made her way to the front desk where she made small conversation with the receptionist who greeted people as they walked in and out. Minutes passed before Andrique walled through the doors, a black lunch bag in her hand and an excited smile on her face. She was wearing a simple black dress that cinched her waist and sported a slit on the side that revealed most of her left leg. A blood red cardigan hung off of her shoulders and a single gold necklace hung past the neck of her dress. Her usual bold eyeliner and black-red lipstick was absent- only a red tinted gloss coating her lips and sunscreen over her face providing her with a natural glow. It was one of those outfits she just threw on to leave the house, but regardless she still looked wonderful. Her beauty was effortless, and Ja'Maia found herself basking in it constantly.

Andrique shuffled her way over to the counter and smiled at the receptionist who'd come to know her name with how often she'd visited.

"Don't even bother checking in honey, I already wrote down your name.. just need to add the time. Y'all can just go straight on to the cafeteria." The woman sighed, earning a pleased hum from Andrique.

Ja'Maia rounded the corner of the desk and smiled as Andrique hooked their arms together. They walked down to the cafeteria arm in arm and found a seat by one of the windows.

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