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Ja'Maia's Apartment (The Next Morning)

Ja'Maia, despite the fact that she was meant to be hungover, woke up long before Andrique. When Andrique did wake up, Ja'Maia was in the kitchen- brewing a cup of coffee.

She sat up on the couch, looking at the taller woman adoringly. For a moment she forgot why she'd come over in the first place. It felt nice to wake up and see Ja'Maia. The woman was freshly showered and wearing casual clothing- consisting of a black T-shirt and basketball shorts. Andrique thought that it was unfair how good she looked in such a simple outfit- and how even in it's simplicity it was an outfit she could hardly resist.

"Good morning." Ja'Maia spoke first, her back to Andrique.

"Good morning." Andrique replied solemnly.

Ja'Maia turned around and leaned against the counter, her eyes scanning over Andrique slowly. Andrique paid attention to the way she looked at her. It wasn't tainted with disgust or disdain or any of the negatives she'd convinced herself of. She looked at her with an unveiled attraction, that burned with passion and sincerity. Ja'Maia despite everything was undoubtedly attracted to her and the thought nearly made her melt.

"Come here Andrique." Ja'Maia spoke, her voice sending a shiver down her spine. She wasn't asking but it wasn't demanding in a way that made her cringe either. Her tone of voice was gentle but stern, and her body language read all kinds of domineering. Andrique felt inclined to listen, even if she had no real reason to, so she did.

She walked over to Ja'Maia, stopping a couple of feet in front of her, and her eyes focused on anything but her. Ja'Maia's gaze was intimidating as is- with her newfound, assertive demeanor it was worse. Andrique could practically feel dominance oozing off of her. She'd been feeling it for a while- especially when they kissed, but it never made her so nervous.

Ja'Maia wasn't having that though, she wanted her closer. She wrapped her arms around Andrique's waist, and closed the distance between them. One of her hands cupped the bottom of her chin and lifted her head up so that their gaze met, and the other stayed on the small of her back. Andrique felt her knees get weak and she held on to Ja'Maia to stay steady.

"What's been going on with you?" Ja'Maia asked.

Andrique finally felt her resolve melting and she sighed. She had made her mind up the night before- she would end things between them and go back to seeing people who saw her existence as the "best of both world's". She hated that too but she'd rather that than someone she actually cared for being disgusted by her. But looking at Ja'Maia, she knew she couldn't. She was stuck on her, and ending things would absolutely break her. The friendship that they built was sacred and the new relationship they were forming was only complicating that importance. She'd lose the first person she genuinely liked in a long time- but also one of her closest friends.

Then again, she had no reason to leave. Ja'Maia would work with her, she'd said she would many times before. And she felt comfortable with her before she allowed the words of an outsider to influence her. If Ja'Maia was disgusted by her she would've said so that day in the meadow. Yvette didn't even know Andrique, she had said so herself, so why did her opinion even matter? The things she said were hurtful but dishonest. They held no weight in actuality because Ja'Maia expressed to her many times how she really felt.

Seeing Ja'Maia worked quickly to bring her to senses. Her reaction was irrational and over dramatic- all she needed to do was talk to Ja'Maia and explain how she was feeling. She trusted her, over anyone else when it came to how she viewed their relationship. Maybe certain things would always bother her, maybe she'd always get sad when someone questioned their dynamic- but at the very least she'd still have Ja'Maia right there with her.

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