...He'll Ask For A Blond Traveler To Go With It

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(Trigger warning: Gore and whatnot. Read at your own risk.)

Modern Xiao Pov:

I wake up Archons know where with a splitting headache. All I can tell is that it's dark, whatever I'm lying on is really fucking uncomfortable, my right arm is numb, and it's so hot wherever I am that I feel like I can barely breathe.

I try to get up, but soon discover that my hands are tied down.

I guess there is nothing left to do now but to wait.

Or, I could use pure strength to tear away these fucking old-ass ropes tying me down.

I mean honestly, who the fuck uses rope to tie anyone anymore? That's like 1990's action movie shit.

I pull upwards with my arms to try and break the rope. To my delight, they snap, and I sit up quickly.

Only to bonk my head on something hard.

"Ow! Shit!" I curse, my hand pressed to my forehead.

I try and wait for my eyes to adjust to the dark, but they never do.

I can't even see my own hand in front of my face.

This is like, lava tube without the flashlights level of darkness.

Should I try to find my way out of this place without any use of my eyes?


Something doesn't feel right.

Something REALLY doesn't feel right.

I lift my hands up to my eyes and-

Everloving Geo Archon-

My fingers land in wet empty sockets where my eyes should be.

I quickly lower my hands and try not to scream.


For another thing, why doesn't it hurt at all?

My breathing begins to speed up as I begin to smell the metallic scent in the air.

So that's why my eyes wouldn't adjust.

I lie back down and try to steady my breathing, so I won't have a panic attack and die.

I have had panic attacks, actually.

I close my eyelids and breathe in and out.

In and out.

This is fine.

I did not just get my eyes...I don't know, gouged out?

Suddenly, I hear the sound of a door opening.

It's quite loud, so I assume that it came from the room I am in.

"Well. Xiao Lapis Xi. How might you be feeling on this glorious sunny day? Oh my, you broke the ropes." A familiar voice says.



"Oh, just an experiment. Don't worry, I am licensed. If you do not fight, most of your injuries will be...temporary." The Doctor says.

"Most?" I ask.

"Well, actually...you know what, never mind. I am under no obligation to enlighten you about what I intend to do, Conqueror of Demons." The Doctor says.

"Conqueror of Demons?" I ask.

What is that?

"You do not know what I mean?" The Doctor asks.

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