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There was a little girl sitting on a splintered wooden bench. The wood pressed into her skin, but didn't pierce it. Her tiny legs kicked hard as she sniffled, struggling to wipe all her tears away. She had gotten separated from her older brother while they were at the park. She knew she would get in more trouble if she got caught wondering around by herself so she decided to sit and wait for him to come find her.

However, the longer she waited, the darker it seemed to get. The shadow of the trees that provided shade from the beating sun became the outline of frightening creatures. They resembled monsters with twisted elongated limbs that reached for her menacingly. She remembered what her parents told her about how dangerous the world was for little girls who were out at night alone.

Her bottom lip began to quiver once more when she caught the sight of a black cat slinking towards her. It gracefully hopped on the bench, one blue and one golden eye on her. "Why are you crying?" The cat tilted its head as it asked the question.

The girls eyes widened, her worries quickly forgotten, "Y-You can talk?!"

Of course she had heard of talking animals before, but she's never actually seen one! The cat's chest seemed to puff out a little as it bathed in the girls amazement.

"Of course I can talk! Hmph, I'm not like those other pets." He spat out the word with disdain. The young girl's lips twitched into the semblance of a smile as she felt her sadness go away.

Reaching a hand out to pat him on his head she went along with his confident declaration, "Of course not, Mr. Cat." As she analyzed the creature further, a question left her lips.

"Are you. . . like me?"

The black cat tilted its head at her words.

"What do you mean?" He asked, purring slightly as she gently scratched him behind his ear. The girl smiled sadly.

"Everyone says I'm unlucky. Whenever people are around me, bad things happen! Well, except with my brother." She gave a small huff.

An annoyed look crossing her face. "Our parents say he's so lucky that he cancels out my bad luck. That's why I'm not allowed to go anywhere without him." The girl retracted her hand, much to the cats disdain, and looked up towards the darkening sky.

"I heard black cats were bad luck like me! So, are you?" As her dark brown eyes met his, the cat could feel something bubbling in his chest.

With the supernatural world no longer a secret, it felt like everyone had become superstitious. So people generally avoided him like the plague, well besides the witches.

But no one really likes them.

"Yes, yes I am." The cat stated.

Before the girl could open her mouth, both her and the cat turned to look at an approaching figure. A young boy ran up to the two, bent over and panting as he gasped for breath. "Lina!" He choked out, glaring at the young girl.

Alina stood and quickly went over to the young boy, "Jaxson you found me!"

Her older brother gently knocked her on the head, earning him a small smile. "Of course I did! Who else is going to protect you?" Jaxson grabbed his sisters hand, as he started walking off while reprimanding Alina.

Remembering her new friend Lina turned around and waved to the black cat. "Goodbye, Mr. Cat!" The cat sat in silence watching the retreating two forms of the lucky boy and the unlucky girl.

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