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Alina sat in class, absentmindedly drumming her pen against her desk. Even though she searched for Lavinia all morning, she couldn't find her anywhere. Well, it was more likely that the girl was avoiding her and now Alina knows she has the magical means to make sure she won't be found.

However, she knew a way to corner her without too much of a hassle as Lavinia was very studious. She attends every one of her classes with a diligence, always taking notes and asking questions. Sometimes she even corrects the teachers. . . which is actually very unfortunate when you think about it. Point being, there was no way she would miss a class just because she was a little uncomfortable seeing Alina. There was less than a minute left before the bell rang and neither Lavinia nor the teacher were in the room yet.

Alina's eyes rested on the door, waiting to see who would make it in first — Lavinia or their usually frantic teacher.

Right as the bell rang Lavinia sprinted through the door with a panicked look, a strange man meandering not far behind her. As opposed to her friend, this man had a relaxed smirk on his face. Alina shifted her focus from the strange man to her brother who visibly tensed beside her. The look on his face was a dark one as he glared at the man that should be a stranger to the both of them but even then she couldn't shake the feeling that the man felt familiar.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Tora Sato. I will be your teacher for the rest of this year as Mr. Harris had a bit of a. . ." His smirk grew, "-accident."

Alina frowned at the revelation. Her pen thumped against the desk at an increased pace, the sound of this assault resounding louder throughout the room. It was quickly drowned out by the explosion of voices in response to the strange man- no Mr. Sato's words. Some were confused, others excited at the prospect of a handsome young teacher, and some just wanted to get on with class.

Regardless, the voices were the cause of a new problem for Alina as there was now a dull throbbing in the back of her head. Perhaps the sign of a headache to come but for now it was a painless pulse that made it hard for her to form a coherent thought.

She glanced back up to their new teacher, finding his heterochromatic eyes already on her. He was tall and slender. There was a type of haughty elegance about him. He had sleek short black hair and piercing blue-yellow eyes. There was something about the way that he was looking at her that just felt. . . well, she didn't know. It was all so strange, but looking back at him made her feel some sort of sorrow? Longing? She wasn't sure. As her eyebrows furrowed at the feeling in her chest, the dull throbbing became a sharp piercing sensation.

"Shit!" Alina cried out, gripping her head. The lights in the classroom began flashing erratically as the room grew panicked. Jaxson scrambled to place his hand on his sister's, the tight squeezing of her hand bringing the girl back to reality. Even with her brothers touch though, all she could do was watch helplessly as fractures appeared on the classroom windows, the lights above them continuing to blink in rhythmic chaos.

"Miss Busigó, please excuse this discourtesy." Mr. Sato's voice radiated a calmness in it that she had never experienced before. As she turned to face him, she noticed the mans hand reaching towards her and before she could protest his finger lightly pressed against her forehead.

At first, nothing happened. Not until she felt a coolness at his touch. It spread from his finger and carried itself all the way throughout her body until she couldn't feel much else. Slowly, things began to calm down and the pain in her head went away as though it was never there. The room fell silent as Alina blinked through teary eyes. "I-I'm sorry, I don't really know what came over me."

Mr. Sato slowly moved his finger away from her forehead, but not before gingerly brushing aside some of her hair in a surprisingly tender motion. "You don't have to apologize. We are just alike. . . Jinx." He whispered the nickname so quietly, Alina almost thought she imagined it. She looked at the man, wide-eyed, a question forming on her tongue. The man seemed hesitant to move away, his hand lingering for just a bit longer but in a flash he turned away from her with an easygoing smile fixed into place.

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