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I felt a flurry of things at the words that Lev spoke, but before I could sort through any of it I was rushing back to the pack house with Lev and Tora speeding behind me. I couldn't wrap my mind around the thoughts that seemed to fill my head.

Why the hell did Jaxson think threatening Nikolai was a good idea? Where the hell did he even get silver weapons and wolfsbane?! Those were made illegal years ago in the first alliance between humans and supernaturals.

"Jaxson!" My throat strained as I screamed at the sight of my brother aiming a gun at right at Nikolai's chest. He was surrounded on all sides by wolves just waiting for the chance to tear him apart.

"Alina, stay back!" Jaxson barked the order and I faltered for just a second before steeling myself. The crowd parted for me as I placed myself firmly between Jaxson and Nikolai. Instead of the gun being aimed at the Alpha's heart it was now resting against my temple. I took a deep breath, my chest visibly rising and falling.

"What do you think you're doing?" My voice held an edge to it as I leveled a glare at my older brother. Though his face betrayed none of his emotions, I was close enough to see the tremble of his hands.

"I'm taking you home, Alina. This monster-"

I cut him off with a laugh and Jaxson gave me his own harsh look. "I don't think you have a right to call him that Jaxson. Especially not with what mom thinks of us."

His lips set into a hard line, "She's been worried sick looking for you. Listen, dad wouldn't-"

"Dad isn't here!" My anger rose at the mention of our father, and yet I was still in control. I could feel my powers though, wanting to lash out, craving some form of relief.

"No, but he's on his way."

". . . What?"

That made me freeze. I haven't had contact with my father in years and I naturally assumed Jaxson did the same. It's not something he ever mentioned to me even though we shared pretty much everything with each other.

Focus Alina, one thing at a time. I need to make sure he doesn't get himself mauled to death.

"Put the gun down, Jaxson. I don't want to hurt you." I spoke softly, watching his eyes narrow at me. It was a miracle the wolves hadn't already handled the situation. I can only assume Nikolai gave an order and for that, I'm truly grateful.

"You? Hurt me?" He gave a humorless laugh, "I'd like to see you try."

We stared each other down for what felt like forever. Neither one of us making the first move. Usually when we were together our powers would cancel out, but I can still feel them. I'm the stronger one now and maybe that was the reason he hasn't tried anything yet.

Still, I don't want to hurt him. As I racked my brain for a way to handle this peacefully, my eyes locked with Lev's. He was crouched low, watching, waiting, for the opportunity to pounce on Jaxson. His hands and arms were wrapped in some sort of bandage like material most likely to protect him from the wolfsbane.

He gave a terse nod and my eyes slid back to my brother. "Okay, Jaxson. Let's go home." My voice sounded soft and practically defeated, hopefully it was enough to get him to believe me.

Conflicting emotions seemed to flash in his eyes as he began lowering the gun and that was the moment Lev decided to strike.

As Lev pounced on Jaxson, I lunged forward, successfully wrangling the weapon from his grasp. It was heavy, cool to the touch and I turned away trying to get it far away from Jaxson as quickly, and safely, as possible.

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