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Moving sucks.

This was just a general fact of life.

Still, there were some good things about it. Being in a new environment, especially when your other one was bad, is good! You could find new things to enjoy, meet new people.

You just had to find the positive in these things!

I strolled through the park, taking in the cool autumn breeze. My dog led me around the golden landscape, sniffing everything in sight. It was moments like these I loved the most. While I adored my family, I still needed time to be away from them.

Even my twin, Jaxson.

Ever since we'd moved back to the city, it's like they took notice of all the supernaturals and just acted overbearing.

The only time I was able to get peace and quiet was when I took Juno out for her daily walks. Even then I still wasn't technically by myself because I had a giant pitbull with me, but still it was better than nothing.

This walk was very much needed though. There were only two more days until the weekend was over and I had to start at my new school. My anxiety got so bad I didn't even want to leave my room, especially with what that witch said. . .

I snapped out of my thoughts feeling the hard tug of the leash.

"Juno, slow down." I spoke to the dog who only whined in response. Following her eyes to a line of foliage I spoke, "What? You want to go in the woods?"

Juno gave a loud bark in response, not waiting for an okay as she ran towards the trees.

"W-Wait, hey!" I cried out, the leash that had been wrapped around my hand suddenly went tight around my wrist, almost taking my arm off as she ran full force with me stumbling after her.

"Slow down girl! Please!" I hurriedly tried to appeal to the dog but she continued, bounding forward now taking huge strides. The braided nylon harshly pulled from my wrist as I hissed out in pain, a large red welp appearing on my hand. My eyes water as I looked at the small beads of blood slowly starting to form where it had scratched me deeply.

"Juno?!" I called out but all I could see were giant trees everywhere. I wasn't even sure which direction we had come in.

"Damn it." I muttered, my hand throbbing in pain as I tried to follow after my dog.

It was strangely quiet in the woods. Despite being near the park, no matter how hard I looked I couldn't find the trace of any type of trail. My heart beat rang loud in my ears as I realized just how isolated I was. I wondered for about 10 minutes when I heard a bark. Making my way through the thicket of trees, my eyes widened at the sight of a man holding a teenage boy by his throat against a tree. I stopped in my tracks, the air leaving my lungs in an instant.

The man wore all black, his hair wild and unkempt, with a long beard that looked just as messy. His hand that held the kid up was covered with leather gloves that had silver linings on them. He looked as if he should be in a biker gang, but it was so much worse than that.

A hunter. I gasped as he pulled out a knife from his pocket.

Hunters have been illegal ever since supernaturals became part of everyday society. They were rare to see, especially in a place as populated as this. They only went for supernaturals or humans with abilities, like me. Which means I shouldn't be here, I should run somewhere far away and act like I didn't see anything or just continue looking for my stupid dog but-

"H-Hey!" I shouted, my body moving on it's own. I stepped out from my hiding spot and towards the hunter. The mans grip loosened on the younger boy as he glared at me, his murky dark eyes bore into mine. For a second, my steps faltered.

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