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Alina took deep breaths to clear her head as she made her way back to the front office where she had left her brother. As she walked through the door way, she was met with two new faces.

"What're you guys doing here?" Alina narrowed her eyes at Nikolai and Lavinia who both seemed to relax at the sight of her.

"You're my mate, of course I will go wherever you are." The alpha said this almost defensively as Lavinia meekly nodded along.

"I got worried when I heard them call your name, so I came to make sure you were alright!" Lavinia spoke up.

Alina rolled her eyes at Nik's response before looking to her brother. It took Jaxson only a second to realize something was wrong, "What happened in there?"

The girl took a breath before recalling the meeting she had with the headmistress and her surprise guest. Once she was finally done explaining what happened inside. . . Well that didn't go over so well with Jaxson or Nikolai.

"A teacher that likes to touch his students giving private lessons? Oh yeah, that doesn't sound like a bad idea at all." Jaxson scoffed as the group walked away from the watchful eyes of Miss Maybel, opting to have the conversation elsewhere.

"That is a little suspicious, Alina." Lavinia hesitantly spoke up before casting a glance to Nikolai who had stayed silent with his locked tight. While the world has accepted supernaturals, and certain exceptions can be made for those with mates Alina had a feeling that this wasn't one of those cases. Nikolai and Jaxson struggle to control it but for some strange reason this man can.

There's no way the headmistress would buy the excuse that Nikolai is jealous and therefore she can't do it. So she was stuck, if she tried going to her family about this it was obvious what the outcome would be.

Alina sighed, "There's nothing we can do." She already tried racking her brain for ways to avoid it, but in the end she didn't come up with much. It was better to not fight it. She already felt drained from her outburst earlier, and honestly it was a little scary. Even though the things around her react as a result of her powers, she's never had any type of fire or flame react to her before. . . So what did this mean?

"I hate that I'm going to suggest this but why don't you go visit that seer?" Jaxson begrudgingly spoke as Alina's brows furrowed. "I've never seen a se- Oh!" The girl paused, "You mean the witch, Cher!"

Nikolai seemed to stiffen slightly as he spoke, "You know a lot of witches, Alina."

"Two isn't a lot!" She quickly refuted before pondering on Jaxson's suggestion. Cher was the one who told her that Nikolai was her mate in the first place, so maybe she could share other information as well. And. . . maybe she could tell her why she seems to react to Mr. Sato in such a way. It's not possible for me to have more than one mate is it? It's something she didn't want to consider but the knot in her stomach grew with uncertainty.

Just to be sure she had to ask. "Jaxson, I think I'll head out with Nikolai, okay?" As Alina met her brothers gaze, it felt as though he was reading her mind. He seemed to hesitate for a moment before nodding his head. "I'll follow behind you guys. Mom will get suspicious if I show up at home without you again."


"Okay. I'll see you later Lavinia." Alina turned to her friend who gave a tight smile.

"Keep me updated!" She chirped, hesitating slightly before giving a wave as she walked off.

The trio then made their way out of the school, set on getting answers from the lady that probably had an IOU out on Alina.


"Stop doing that." Nikolai reprimanded his mate as she chewed vigorously on her nail. The bad habit had made itself apparent once more as Alina stewed in her thoughts of what happened earlier.

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