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Alina narrowed her eyes at the clock, watching anxiously as the seconds ticked by. Her ears strained to hear the soft clicking as the internal cogs continuously moved. She let out a deep breath, slightly relieving the tension that she felt in her body. Maybe this was something she shouldn't do. Or, at least not alone, but if she told Jaxson what she was thinking he would have stopped her.

She just wanted answers, she just wanted clarity. Surely, that wasn't too much to ask for from the woman that literally gave birth to her.

It shouldn't be much longer now.

Her thoughts continued racing as she waited quietly. She hardly heard the door opened but when the person she had been waiting for finally walked through the door, she jumped to attention.

"Alina! You scared the crap out of me!" The girl's mother, Camila, placed a hand to her chest as she began to reprimand her. Alina simply watched her with narrowed eyes. This was something she had been planning for since earlier in the afternoon and now that the time arrived all she could feel was a growing pain gnawing at her chest.

"You're scared of me? Is that why you warned the school that I was some danger to society?" She could hardly keep the edge out of her voice and at her words Camila's facade fell.

"Is that what this is about?" The look of surprise slipped from her face, a cool mask of indifference replacing it. Her tone lacked any emotion for her daughters plight as Alina scoffed.

"Mom, why did you do that? Why do you always treat me as if..." She couldn't finish the words, her voice breaking. Alina clenched her teeth in an attempt to hold herself together. Camila sighed, putting her bags down, crossing her arms over her chest.

"As if what, Alina?" Her eyes cut through the girl, "As if you have no control over these abilities? As if you could hurt someone with your powers? As is you could kill any one of us with just a turn of your emotions?" Camila pressed as Alina's mouth fell open.

"Is that what you think of me?" She whispered the words as Camila rolled her eyes. "Be practical, Alina. Stop being so sensitive, it's your fault for being so emotional and-"

"And what?!" Alina's voice dripped with venom. "Look at how Jaxson is! You've kept the both of us at an arms length our entire lives and at one point you even gave us away!" She got louder with every word, her fury rising with her.

Her mother responded in kind, "I'm human, Alina! Whatever you and your brother came out to be, is-" She sighed, pressing her fingers to her temple, "It's not what I, what our family is. You can't hold on to the fact that you were in that facility forever, you need to let it go."

The girl was lost for a response. The place where she was tortured day in and out in order to 'cure' something no one understood. Where she developed a fear of hospitals, doctors, needles and more. A place she will never forget for the rest of her life and now she was being told to let it go by the person that put her there?

"Do you even love us?" This time, Camila didn't respond right away. The two sat in silence for so long, that Alina feared she might not have heard the question and the girl didn't have the strength within herself to ask it again.

"Yes, Alina. I love you both very dearly and sometimes parents make mistakes-"

"I don't want to hear about that right now!" Camila always did this, she would deflect and make herself a victim of circumstance. Alina couldn't muster the energy to argue anymore. If she continued talking to the older woman, she would break.

"'Lina?" A quiet voice broke the tense atmosphere that filled the living room. Alina cast only a brief glance at her little cousin before turning away. She didn't bother trying to say anything.

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