First day part 2

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Nightmare opened the metal door out to the roof. He flinched for a second by how light it was outside but quickly got used to the light. The school roof was just a big area whit some benches, a vending machine and tall metallic fencing so nobody fell down. In a corner sat 3 guys. Dust, horror and killer. Nightmares only friends on the school. Two of them seemed to be smoking while one ate a protein bar. " sup nightmare!" Horror said and waived frantically whit both hands. Almost hitting dust and killer in the heads " shut up you imbecile. You'll give us all a headache" dust said. Annoyed at horrors usually antics. Sometimes horror was just to much. Nightmare just rolled his eyes and walked over.

" what are you eating killer?" He asked as he sat down beside him. " I'm eating my breakfast. Forgot this morning." Killer said as he took an other bite " it's not the yummiest thing but it's good enough" he said whit his mouth full. " why didn't you say anything this morning?! I could have gotten you something! Did you pay for that? How much did it cost?!" Nightmare asked. He didn't know why but for some reason he cared a lot about killers health. Much more than anyone else, except maybe his brother. Maybe nightmare felt this way because killer was blind? "Nightmare I'm not some child. I can take care of myself" killer said " I have my own money. You don't need to pay for everything" " your not a child?" Dust asked and laughed " your sure act like one." " do not!" Killer said "I am grown up". " yea? You complain all the time like a little child." Dust said "I do not!" Killer said "Nightmare! Dust is mean!" "I'm just telling the truth" dust said. "okay both just be quiet. Dust stop bullying killer and killer stop complaining like a child" he said and hit both lightly in the head whit a tentacle. " fine..." they both said and looked bitterly.

Then the metal door on the roof opened and a black boned glitchy skeleton walked out. Their attention immediately going to him as he looked at them. They stood in silence. Then error broke the silence and said " what are you looking at shit face?" " like you have anything to say you fat fuck" nightmare responded and then they both broke out laughing to the confusion of the rest. Nightmare walked up to error and gave him a small hug. " how ya doing man?" He asked " pretty good. Just meet an annoying fuck tho" error answered. They both knew each other from an old school they went to where both got expelled. " yea really? What where they called" nightmare asked " how did they look?" " pretty small" answered error " he has a dirty face and some bandages here and there. Think his name was ink. Some stupid teacher's pet." " ah. The small inkblot." Nightmare said and laughed " yea. He's pathetic. Dose whatever the teacher's say. An asslicker is what he is." Both error and Nightmare laughed their asses of. Error would regret ever thinking this in just some months.


Geno sat down in class trying to ignore the pest he lived whit called reaper " hi cutie~ how was your summer?" Reaper said " stop calling me that" geno said, trying to ignore him. Taking up his math book and trying to hide reapers annoying face " aww... don't be like that geno. That's no fun" He said and took geno's math book. " hey give that back!" Geno said. Trying to get his book but reaper held it to high up. " sure. Ones you stop ignoring me" reaper said " Fine! Just give me back my book!" Geno said. Reaper finally lowers it and he snatched back his book. " I hate you..." Geno mumbled " love ya too" reaper responded and sat down whit a smile " thank god this is my last year" Geno said and sighed.


Dream sat down in his first class and sighed a little. He missed ink. He didn't have any other friends from last year. He had acquaintances here and there but no other friends, thats why he paid extra to room whit ink this year.

" Hey is this your pencil?" A boy beside him asked which got Dream out of thoughts about ink. " huh?" He looked at the boy. He held out dreams yellow glitter pencil whit a star on it. He must have dropped it "oh yea! I'm must have dropped it." dream said, laughing nervously to let down the awkward tension in the air. "It's quite a cute pencil. Fits your eyes" the guy said " I'm cross, new here" he said. " I'm dream" he said and shook cross's hand. Dream looked more at cross. He had black and white clothing and had two white pupils. He had quite the kind face and a beautiful smile. " do you know this anwsers to this question?" Cross asked Dream and pointed at a question on the paper. " I kinda zoned out" " yea I do." Dream said and leaned over to Cross. Maybe is this an other friend that he needs.


Blue walked around in the hallways. His guide left him and now he was quite lost. "Where was the classroom?" He asked out loud in annoyance. How can you be so mean to lead someone around then leave them mid tour. " I'm going to be soooo late!" He walked around halfway after alway but they all looked the same. But then he found something new. A skeleton sitting on the floor. He was breathing heavily and seemed to be crying. "Are you okay?" I asked and ran up to him. He looked up to me whit water in his eyes. One pupil looking like an exclamation point and the other a tear. "I-..." he seemed to cut of himself and looked away "It's fine..." he said. I sat down beside him "Doesn't seem like it" I said " you don't need to talk about it tough. I'm blueberry but most call me blue." We sat in silence for a good while until he said " I'm Ink..." he said and now looked my direction. "Fitting name" I said and he chuckled. "So... do you know the direction to the history classroom? I'm lost" he said and scratched the back of my head. Ink giggled and stood up " in fact I do" he said and helped me up. "Let's get there before you miss it entirely."


Lust stood in front of the bathroom mirror applying some makeup. It had gotten destroyed on his way to school cus it was soo warm, the cons of summer.

Lust reached down in his back for his eye liner when someone else walked in. It was a boy one year younger. He took a look at lust and went out immediately. Lust just rolled his eyes.

His first year at the school rumors spread around him. People said he was a prostitute, that he would rape and pray on other boys which scared people away from him. He had some girl "friends" but they mostly just hung out in make up and sewing class. Otherwise nobody really hung out whit him because they where disgusted and scared. There was one person however that hung out whit him.

"Horror do you think this looks good?" He asked and looked over at his friend who leaned against a wall. Horror either never knew about the rumors or didn't care cus he had no problem whit outs and never talked about them. "You know I'm not good at that kind of stuff." Horror said "but yea you look prettier I guess." "Thank you" lust said and applied his eyeliner. "Why do you like all that stuff?" Horror asked, talking about makeup "I just like it" lust said " it's not about what other people think but what I think. And I think I look prettier" "I guess, but you put so much time into it and do it multiple times in a day" horror said "Not that I mind skipping class." "That is a good point." Lust said when putting down his eyeliner in his pink bag. "But math isn't that important anyways."

To be continued

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