Chapter 5. Closed down.

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(Tw for implied rape.)

It had been a week by this point. Ink and Error acted like they had never had that conversation on the roof top and went on whit their life's. Sure they were forced to sit beside each other in class but neither of them mentioned it. Instead Error were just a huge jerk. Error took his stuff, ratted him out if he drew in class (so much for Ink being a "class pet"), he would make rude comments and he would not work in class. Plus he always smelled of cigarettes and it stank.

But from Error's point of view it was different. Error just borrowed his stuff and were going to give it back. He just forgot often and would sneak it in Ink's bag when in wasn't looking to spare the embarrassment. He would tell Ink to stop drawing, it distracted him, and when ink wouldn't listen he would tell the teacher. He would try to be helpful and say if his scarf was on the wrong way or his shirt didn't fit and Ink would respond whit snarky comments back that Error had no business how he looked. Error wouldn't work because Ink was distracting him whit the drawings and because he had problems focusing. Instead he would focus that some had a hair strand sticking out, some kids whispering, some kid chewing gum and tapping their feet, stuff like that. How could he work in such an environment?! At home he would work fine because he could listen to music and it helped, here he didn't get such recourses because he had no diagnosis to back him up. Tho Error would be lying if he didn't smell like cigarettes.

Why all of this is very important is, because now they are forced to work together. In theater class Error signed up for sewing and Ink signed up for set pieces. The teacher ignored Error's wish at sat them on set pieces. Error and Ink were grouped together to make nature stuff. They would make tress, bushes, flowers, the background, even some fake animals. Worst part however, they would definitely be forced to talk under the project because their teacher would grade them on collaboration. If their failed to make products in the same quality and style would most likely fail. Ink felt like crying and Error felt like punching the teacher in the face.

Ink and Error sat down in the school library to talk about ideas. Only problem was that error didn't care enough to start a conversation and Ink was too awkward.

They just sat in silence for most of the lesson until the teacher came to check on them and scolded them when they hadn't done any work. "It's... hard to talk" Ink said and glanced at Error "well you will have to make it work. Talk about what material to use." The teacher said. Ink and Error looked at each other "I don't know, cardboard" Error said. "That... might actually work if we use paper on it." Ink said and scribbled it down. "Great! Now what colors will you both use?" The teacher asked "Doesn't the painting classes have that stuff?" Error asked "They don't borrow it out to other classes" Ink said "There is a shop not too far away tho, if you take the buss." "You two go on and do that then!" The teacher said and gave them some buss money "just be back in 2 hours." Ink and Error gave each other glances again. They didn't think they would have to do it now.


Dream was a little disappointed. Ink wasn't put in the theater group, of course there was a chance that next semester Dream and Ink would both act. But what are the chances of that?

Even tho Ink wasn't there he still had the goal of take the spot as price, after having so many female roles. Today they were doing rehearsals for auditions next week. Cross was kind enough to play sleeping beauty whit him as they practiced. But it turns out there wasn't a princess to begin whit. It was a prince and a thief. But Dream still went whit the thief instead of prince.

"It's a very odd version of the story," Dream said as he leaned agains a wall. "No princes, no evil or good faries. No sleeping for 100 years." "Yea I'm pretty sure it's the version from a book called "Beasts and Beauty; dangerous tales," said Cross as he sat down on the floor and took a sip from his water bottle. It wasn't that bad however, Dream probably liked this version more honestly.

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