Chapter five; Bloodthirsty birds

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Bloodthirsty birds

Olive was confused. Which wasn't a surprise but this was a whole new level of weird. She stood in a pair of pyjamas that Drew gave her in a beautiful meadow barefoot.

An elegant dark-haired woman in a pale pink silk dress that reached her ankles sat on a white stone throne with vibrant roses wrapped around it.

"Erm... hello?" Olive stepped forward nervously.

The woman looked up from her hand mirror which she was using to check her makeup and smiled. "Little Livie bird! You're finally here." She clapped happily leaning forward on her throne.

Olive smiled feeling slightly uncomfortable. She didn't know why the woman in front of her was so intimidating to her but she couldn't help but feel like she wasn't worthy enough to breathe the same air as the woman.

"The explosion was a little dramatic but we all love a good dramatic exist." She said sounding delighted about the fact that Olive had committed a felony.

"I-I'm sorry... who are you?" Olive asked eyeing the woman suspiciously.

The woman gasped dramatically placing a hand to her heart. "How could you not recognise your own mother?"

"Aphrodite." Olive deadpanned. "W-wha-why are you in my head?"

Aphrodite literally glowed with happiness. "I just wanted to make sure you were settled in and making friends."

Olive stared at her like she was insane. From what she'd been told Gods were terrible parents who didn't care about them yet here was her mother, the goddess of love invading her dreams just to ask how she was doing, her mother who seemed generally excited to talk to her.

"Um... yes, I'm good." Alex smiled sheepishly. "Could I go back to sleep now?"

Aphrodite looked slightly disappointed that she didn't want to stay and chat. "Of course, of course. We all need beauty sleep little Livie." She snapped her fingers a sour look on her beautiful face.

Suddenly Olive was falling through the grass into a banquet hall.

A blonde guy with pretty blue eyes and tanned skin sat at the head glowering at her. He would have been perfect if it weren't for the long thick, deep pale scar that ran from the bottom of his eye down to his jaw.

"How could you let this happen? That menace ruins everything." He growled his nostrils flaring.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" A girl stammered nervously. Olive couldn't see the girl but something about her voice seemed familiar she just couldn't place it.

The boy held up his hand to stop the girl from saying any more. "Just stay calm, we've got the upper hand. Camp Half Blood will be in flames by the end of summer."

Olive gasped but quickly clamped her hand over her mouth but they didn't notice her.

"Liv." The boy whispered but instead of his voice, it was a girl's. "Liv?"

"OLIVE!" She bolted up and hit her head on the bunk above.

"Oof." Olive collapsed backwards and glared at Drew. "Why?!"

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