Chapter six; Imperfections

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To say Percy was worried was an understatement. He'd been stressed before the chariot race but after seeing Olive collapse and all the blood that covered her face he felt sick to his stomach. Percy had promised her that camp was safe, she was only here because she trusted him and now she was lying in the infirmary with a bloody bandage plastered under her left eye.

The only confirmation that Olive was going to be okay was her constant mumbling while she slept. Percy had no idea what she was saying but he knew it was a good sign.

Percy didn't leave till late afternoon the next day when one of Alex's sisters forced him out of the infirmary with a nasty look.

"What the hell?" Olive groaned in pain not yet open her eyes in fear of what she'd see.

"Get up lazy ass." Drew nudged Olive in the side with her foot.

"Why is it so bright in here?" She grumbled burying her face in her pillow.

"Get off your ass stupid." Drew smacked her arm.


"Drew, stop hitting my patients!" A boy from the other side of the infirmary snapped at her.

Olive groaned once again before sitting up in her bed. Her face stung, her limbs were stiff and one of her eyes wouldn't open as far as the other. "This place is giving me a migraine."

Drew hummed in agreement taking her eyes off of her magazine to take a look around the room. "The decor is painfully ugly."

"It's the best we could do, if you don't like it leave." Lee Fletcher, son of Apollo snapped exasperatedly when he reached Marnie's bed.

Olive exchanged a look with Drew before the two girls started to giggle.

"Your boyfriend has been camped out in here for the last two days." Lee said as he gently removed the bandage. He knew his words would be enough of a distraction that she wouldn't move.

"What?!" Olive squeaked wide-eyed. She had no idea who they could possibly be referring to, perhaps it was an imposter.

"He means your pet, fish boy." Drew interjected.

"Percy?" Drew and Lee nodded in unison. Olive was fighting off a smile at the thought. He cared. Drew and Lee shared a knowing look the two waiting for Olive to start denying that Percy was her boyfriend.

"Does this mean you're going to stop glaring at the poor boy every time you see him?" Lee asked remembering lunch when he watched Percy throw things at Olive desperate for her attention.

"I don't do that." She lied unconvincingly.

Olive knew that she'd been acting a little 'dramatic' and 'jealous' but in her defence, she'd been thrown into a weird ass world filled with monsters and gods and everyone just expected her to be okay with it. She was worried that she'd be left behind.

Lee put weird cream on her injury which Drew cringed at it. "That is the grossest thing I've ever seen."

Olive felt a little embarrassed she knew that her sister wasn't calling her gross but it still felt like she was being insulted.

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