2: Deimos Vels

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"Girl... girl." a shove on my shoulder got me up on my feet alarmed. The driver was standing there "This is the final station." 

I storm out in disbelief, how could I be in such deep slumber and not even hear a human approaching me? The thought of my wolf weakening sent tears down my eyes. Do I even want to survive?

 The territory of humans, the center of the city. It was suffocating, with so many faces and bodies, no trees, no earth, and no freedom. I lost it all.

I made my way to the first motel my eyes caught,

"Room for one?" The young woman asked

I nodded.

"Large or small bed?"


"Breakfast is included."

I nodded.

"3.4$ for the night."

I paid for two nights and took the key in a rush. Out of instinct and pure training, I covered the window and searched for cameras. I stripped, leaving pieces of clothes on the way to the bathroom. I crawled under the warm water, my body was still dealing with the shock, I wasn't as strong as I thought and cold was all I felt. I needed warmth.

I needed my mate, his touch, his arms.

No, I don't need a murderer, a monster.

My emotions were so overwhelming that I didn't notice I was biting my arm until I tasted blood in the water.

Memories and scenes from my pack played in my head again and again.

How could I be so selfish, to free the one who took innocent lives, I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye to the warriors, my friends Alex and Shawn, and my cousin Raven. She wasn't the nicest person, but she was family. The youngest and only other Doom family member left besides me and my brother.

Now it's just him, Ash ... how could I do that to him. I left him alone, I failed him. I failed everyone. The victims' families, how did I not think of them! And it was all for.. a touch.

He was right, I was a disgrace to the family. I was a disgrace to him. But I wasn't going to let that last for long. I will correct my selfish mistake.

I will kill Deimos Vels. I will revenge the deaths of my pack; his head is my ticket back to my life.

I crawled wet and naked under the blankets, I fought to keep my eyes open. I had a plan to think about and a fault to correct.

Deimos Vels, a Lycan of unknown age. I cringed remembering how in my first weeks as a warrior, I used to be obsessed with his case, an urge pulling me to dig into his existence, back then I understood it as a naive way to prove myself to my alpha, the will to make him face the consequences of his barbarous crimes in the shapeshifters' world.

I was so filled with my goodness that I wanted to be the reason for his fallout.

Little did I know back then, that I am as much a sinner as he is, and that he would be the reason for my fallout.

I tracked him from the shreds of dead bodies he left behind. I was getting closer until he murdered Alpha Kaden of Green valley pack. That's when my alpha ordered me to ditch the case and stop the haunt. He didn't want to end up hanging in a tree with his chest open too, I figured.

My stomach growled, demanding food. I picked up the phone and made the call.

"Yes, Mme?"

"Can you send me that breakfast now?"

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