7: Another doctor

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White sharp teeth almost glowing against his dark skin. He introduced himself, "I'm Doctor Elon,"

"Is breakfast ready, I'm starving," Ethan said, walking to the kitchen with his friend.

The moment their eyes landed on the leftovers of Deimos's dinner on the floor, they turned to me in sharp swift, horror  replaced their smiles.

"Is it here?" Elon asked, their eyes widened in defensive positions.

Deimos's large head crept behind above my shoulder, low rumbles blistering from between his bare canines.

"Don't make any sudden moves," Ethan spoke in a very low voice, I could sense the fear in his words, and I smelled the fear of their wolves. "Move to the side, very slowly. Don't look him in the eyes."

"Don't look at him at all!" Elon argued in a petrified tone.

I looked back at Deimos, I understood their reactions. Two nights ago, I almost peed myself looking at the rabid animal this near to me. But now, all I could see was the Lycan who hid a bone under his stomach and licked his paws.

"Do you want to lose your sanity? Stop looking at him." Ethan pleaded again.

"It's okay, he won't hurt us." I wasn't sure of that, but I knew he won't hurt me so I decided to push our luck.

"Yes, he will! Get your ass away from his mouth."

For some reason, that made me blush. Before they would notice, I turned to Deimos "You're a little bit less scary in your human form, do you mind shifting back? We can have breakfast together that way."

Against my demand, he stepped further into the kitchen and sat on the ground watching Elon and Nathan with challenging eyes.

"I guess not," I muttered and shrugged my shoulder to the rogues then left back to room 13 hoping I can find a new toothbrush.

"Hey!" Ethan shouted, "Are you abandoning us!"

"You'll be fine, just ignore him," I yelled from the stairs, knowing for a fact that if he decided to attack them, there will be nothing I can do to help them without getting myself hurt, and I wasn't going to risk my life for some random rogues.

By the time I finished my cleaning, the smell of pancakes reached my nose. I wasn't surprised to see Deimos at the end of the stairs still in his wolf form. I ignored his existence and walked to the kitchen.

Ethan was the one cooking, while Elon was standing behind his back watching the door with careful eyes and a tense body.

"Why do you think he'd attack you?" I asked, taking a seat and waiting for Ethan to finish so I could make my own breakfast. Werewolves were sensitive about their food, I wasn't sure if they would offer me to join, and even if they did, I wasn't willing to share with rogues.

"He's feral," Elon answered. "One moment he's relaxed the second he'd want your heart as a chewing toy."

"and how come no one looks him in the eyes." Those deep night ocean eyes, I've always thought there is something unsteady about them.

Elon and Ethangave me warry glances, "Who are you anyway?" 

Who am I?

His mate? 

"Lara brought me here."

As I thought, the rogues didn't share the breakfast. I started making my own, scrambled eggs and bacon. Extra bacon for Deimos to chew, I wasn't excited for the sight of open corpses.

There was silence for a moment when I turned to see what happened, Deimos was gloriously entering on his two feet. He sat at a separate table.

I sat my plate on the table and eyed the plate that was five seconds ago full of bacon in front of Deimos. "Did you at least chew it before you swallow?"

One of the rogues started coughing, and the other patted his back in unnecessary force.

I ate my breakfast in silence, the eyes of Deimos were comforting, while I could feel the rogues' judging eyes on my back.

When I finished, I picked up my plate and washed it. Out of habit, I absent-mindedly told Deimos to do the same, and to my surprise, he got up and washed his dish.

It was a habit I picked from the pack house, everyone cleans his plate after eating or else there will be a none ending dishes chores for the staff, we had a long sink around the kitchen especially for this reason.

"There's a washing machine, you know?" Ethan said, his mouth full of food.

"I prefer using my hands," I answered walking out.

"So," I said, putting my hands on my hips "What's the plan for today?"

Deimos was sitting still for the past quarter-hour and I was bored watching the TV.

I wanted to poke him with my finger, but his heartbeats were enough indication that he was not dead with open eyes.

"What do you usually do in your everyday life, when you aren't attacking packs and killing alphas?"

He growled slightly but didn't move his eyes from whatever he was staring at.

I realized I had an empty life myself; it was all about the pack. Now that there is no pack, I'm not sure if there's a life for me at all.

"Do you want to go for a walk? I didn't have the chance to explore the city yet."

The idea was tempting, but knowing I would be in the middle of humans with a feral Lycan made me scratch it off the list.

"Do you want to- ugh never mind." I got up to the window and watched the two rogues running and play fighting, they were aggressive. They were scratching and biting each other, the blood from their wounds visible from this distance. I even suspected they were playing, until Elon's black wolf licked Ethan's wound.

Elon was easily winning. I couldn't stop the trainer in me from studying their every move, pointing out the mistakes in my head, and figuring out a way to defeat their strengths.

Almost an hour had passed, and they finally were done. They came into the house, soaked in sweat but their wounds already healed.

"Stop doing that, Vani." Ethan said, one eye on Deimos who was now glaring at them.

I ignored the horrible nickname, "Doing what?"

"Standing like a warrior judging us."

Only then I noticed my hands were behind my back and my shoulders straight. I didn't try to change my position as I answered, "I am a warrior."

He laughed, "You're a cooky rogue, that's what you are."

I took a step forward, daring him with my eyes to disrespect me again.

He laughed again, going upstairs following Elon. "Stop doing that too, it isn't working on me. I'm a rogue also, I don't care about authority challenges."

I have never wanted to punch a rogue in my life this much, they were known to have the guts to mess with other's nerves, but the smart ones knew not to.

"That's it," I scowled. "I'm leaving."

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