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Lycans don't have mates? Either he was lying for a very good reason, or he was dead serious.

Was that why he didn't claim me yet? He didn't even try to do so. Was it my job as a wolf to claim the Lycan mate?

"Is that so?" she asked, turning to me for confirmation. I shrugged my shoulders, choosing to stay silent.

"I see that you're picking his habits," she smiled amused. "if you weren't his mate, then why do you accompany him if I may ask? You're his first-ever friend."

"I'm not really sure of the answer myself." I scoffed throwing Deimos a murderous look, remembering how he was basically dragging me around since the first time he laid eyes on me.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I'll drop you to a safe house until I take care of the hunters, they seem to be a little too excited these days."

"The hunters? You mean the rogue hunters."

I tried to make the connections, the medicine she brought to Deimos, the man who was driving us was also a rogue, the way she said test subjects.

"Are you protecting them, the rogues? In exchange for information about werewolves?"

I felt Deimos tensing, although he kept the blank face he always had.

"Um... yes," she answered, her red lips parting into a smile showing a perfect set of teeth. "that's one way to put it."

"Traitors," I mumbled under my breath, her human ear won't hear it, but both the driver and Deimos could, the driver shot me a glance from the mirror, I wasn't sure what it meant but it looked almost ... sorrowful.

"I don't think I presented myself officially" she gave me her hand to shake. "I'm doctor Lara."

I hesitated before I took her hand in mine, "Vanitha."

I heard Deimos whisper, repeating my name. it was so low, the sound of a breath. It was enough to make my heart race.

"What pack are you from, Vanitha?"

I gave her a glare with the up of my eyes, if she thought I'd be spilling names and secrets like her puppet rogues then she is so wrong.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to," she said with that innocent smile and strict look of hers.

"Who else knows about us?" I asked not sure if I wanted to know the answer, one human doctor was already bad enough. If the alphas knew, they would have her dead in a few hours.

"None who would run their mouths, I make sure my inner circle is tight." She threw Deimos an evil smirk full of meanings, and I thought her words had something to do with his lack of communication.

"Don't worry, I protect those I love, and you werewolves fascinate me."

I couldn't help but wonder, if she was this much invested in our species, then why didn't she turn into one? I'm willing to bet she knows humans can turn into werewolves with a bite, sure it means weeks of constant pain and months for her body to adjust, but it was possible. She could be one of us.

"Why didn't you shift?"

She laughed, "I believe that being half animal is not my purpose in life."

I think she meant it to be, but I didn't take it as an offense.

"Then why are you so fascinated by us?"

"The researcher in me I think, you are like a book I can't stop rereading although I know it by heart."

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