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I didn't see Deimos on my way to room 13, nor did I feel his presence. The house was too quiet for my liking.

I could only think about Shadowless pack house, the little pups running by my feet, the males making a mess everywhere they sit, and how the old omegas follow them and make them clean before they leave, threatening to tell Alpha Luke how his pack members are dirty and careless.

The room was simple, a double bed with a medium closet on the side, and a lot of shelves to fill on the wall.

I put the clothes I brought on the side of the bed. Back home, I had a huge closet, I grew up hearing my father complimenting my mother's nice clothes and looks, it was the main reason my appetite for dresses was big. I always wanted to look beautiful for my mate. Thinking I will get to see that glimmer of happiness my father had in his eyes when mom blushed at his words.

Little did I know.

After the quick shower, I headed to the kitchen, only curious to see what was for dinner. I wasn't really hungry.

I knew Deimos was there too before I could reach it. One glance, and I inhaled at the scene.

He was in his wolf form, chewing on a large animal part on the ground, tearing the meat from the bone with his fangs in pure savagery.

It was okay to eat like that, in the woods and while hunting. But he was in a house, the table was already set for a human dinner.. for one person.

Did Lara do it on purpose? She treated him like an animal. I shot the camera at the corner of the sealing a death glare, knowing very well she would be watching.

I knew to never approach a predator while eating, but I couldn't stop myself.

"Deimos," I called soft and friendly, taking cautious steps towards him. He looked up briefly, giving the threat not to touch his food.

"Deimos," I called again, this time catching his attention for a longer period. His eyes reflected my image in their endless darkness.

"Why are you eating like that? Don't you want to join me?"

In a childlike act, he pulled the meat closer to him, protecting it with his body. I stepped back not wanting to irritate him anymore.

I sat on the far chair from him and silently watched as he finished his meal and licked his paws.

"Can we talk?" I asked, knowing how pointless it was.

He walked out of the kitchen into one of the rooms, I waited patiently until he came back in his human form, fully dressed.

He hummed, standing a few feet away from me.

"We can talk?" I asked in disbelief.

He nodded.

"You will talk too? You're not just going to stare at me while I speak to myself."


"Amazing!" I said, practically jumping my way to the couch and pulling him with me.

He obeyed.

"Alright then!" I could feel the wide smile on my face. "Talk!" I said it as if I was waving a magical stick.

He flipped his eyes, his mouth parted but shut again. I knew he might need better encouragement.

"How about, you ask me something? Anything that comes to your mind."

He looked around. Then he bit the side of his lower lip and I struggled to keep my focus on his eyes.

"Why you don't like touching?"

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